Sound as if it is gonna be hard to organize a party for Christmas.  Lets plan a 
late winter / early spring caving party to Abyss, Ess or even Parks Ranch for 
the last weekend in Febuary.  Which coincidentally is the next available 
weekend off at this moment.  We could even bring gifts.

Just my thoughts, chances are I wouldn’t be able to attend anything else.

Y’all have a Merry Christmas.


From: Ormsby, Matthew A 
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 4:36 PM
To: ; 
Subject: [PBSS] December Meeting


There will not be a December Meeting of the PBSS. We are still trying to work 
out a Christmas Party but there were conflicts for many for this Saturday. We 
are looking at scheduling a party during the week next week sometime. I have 
not heard from many members so if you are interested in having a Christmas 
party next week, early in the week, please respond to this e-mail.

Again, there will not be a meeting of the PBSS tomorrow. 

Have a great week.

Matthew Ormsby
PBSS President
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