As many of you are aware, BLM has had a closure on 23 caves on public lands for 
the last 20 months.
This closure is going to be looked at AGAIN in the next few months, and who 
knows what the decision will be. If nothing is done on the caving communities 
part, it will look the same - Caves will be closed for the next two years, 
I have brought the following documents to the attention of Chuck Schmidt, RFO 
Field Manager and Doug Burger, Pecos District Manager. They like what this 
could represent. I believe that a closure modified to look like the one that 
USFS region 2 is using is a step in the right direction to keeping caving 
relatively open, OK so you still have to decon. What the USFS's modified 
closure does different is it creates an exception to the closure for NSS & CRF 
members doing any work related to a MOU with the USFS. BLM has a MOU with NSS. 
This might be the ticket for us cavers to have an easier time getting into 
closed caves. I am personally getting tired of doing battle with the White Nose 
Committee for every trip that goes to a closed cave. Something has to change.
This USFS agreement gives the decision of which permits get approved back to 
the local USFS office.
Pay close attention to exception 6
PDF of new closure order
Web site for closure order
 Working for BLM, I can't tell you what to do as the caving community, and I am 
already pulling many strings on this end.
So, if the writing isn't already on the wall......then you should let Carl 
Pagano nominate you for something, (I hear he's good at that).
Lastly, work with your local BLM office. The BLM Pecos District is the hub of 
NM caving. They want cavers caving!
Please spread this information to anyone not on this email list.
Knutt Peterson
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