Now if all who responded to these e-mails would send in just one trip report, 
Mark might just have the materials he needs to work with.

--- On Thu, 5/17/12, Bill Bentley <> wrote:

From: Bill Bentley <>
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Past, Present, and Future of THE TEXAS CAVER - A 
To: "freddie poer" <>
Date: Thursday, May 17, 2012, 11:29 AM


Don't give up.. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: freddie poer 
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Past, Present, and Future of THE TEXAS CAVER - A 

I think that you will find a lot of us "unscientific" or sport cavers agree 
with this. I think there should be a sport caving society formed, that go 
caving just for the fun of it. Kind of like what the Texas Cavers were twenty 
years ago. Maybe the caving community has gone a little too far toward the 
scientific side. There are countless scientific journals out there to cover the 
needs of the scientific community, if anyone cares to read such dry boring 
drivel. The N.S.S. and the T.S.A. was started by cavers to serve the needs of 
cavers, not the academic or science communities. Cavers have drifted so far 
toward the attitude that caving should only be done for expedition or 
scientific research that the average sport caver is losing interest in the 
organizations that were originally formed to benefit cavers. Most of us started 
caving because it is fun, not because we were pursuing a science related 
career. Now, many cavers look with disdain
 upon others who go caving just for the fun of it. Maybe we should go back to 
being cavers, and not feel like we have to justify every trip for training, 
mapping, or scientific research. Or, we can watch the N.S.S. and Texas Caver 
die a slow death, and start the National Sport Caving Society (N.S.C.S.). This 
is just my opinion of course, and probably will not be considered valid because 
I do not put the letters P.H.D. behind my name. I am anxiously awaiting the 
backlash from the academic types.
 Freddie I. Poer Jr. ( The Jr. is part of my name, not a paper title) 

--- On Thu, 5/17/12, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: [Texascavers] Past, Present, and Future of THE TEXAS CAVER - A 
Cc: "Mimi Jasek" <>
Date: Thursday, May 17, 2012, 6:59 AM

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Most of y’all know Mimi and James Jasek, a couple of long time and 
distinguished cavers in the state, who I have grown to know over the last few 
years and whose opinions I highly respect.
In answer to my pleading for submissions to the TC and only being greeted by 
crickets chirping from the masses, an interesting conversation between Mimi 
Jasek and I began and I would like to share her thoughts and insights into the 
past, present, and future (demise?) of The TEXAS CAVER.


My responses are in BOLD TYPE. 











I have noticed that caving publications these days are so scientifically 
oriented that normal sport cavers are probably scared off. Other cavers like 
myself, Jim, and so many others I know or have known are not scientists. We are 
sport cavers. We cave for the joy and fun and love of this unusual activity, 
and the beauty we get to see in the pursuit of our passion. We cave, we map, we 
take pictures. 


Agreed, as am I and my kids. We go for the fun and camaraderie of it and for 
the chance to explore a new, alien world. It may not be virgin cave, but, if we 
haven't been there, it's "virgin" to us! 


What we don't do is send in the simple and fun trip reports that our caving 
would produce, probably so as not to place ourselves as objects of criticism 
from those who have elevated this activity into such lofty scientific and 
expedition type reporting that our efforts would be ridiculed!  Have you read 
the old TCs from the 70s etc? How fun were those trip reports and novice 
articles? Didn't you read on cavetex how that one Aggie caver's wild and 
rambling report got slammed? 


Agree again and, yes, I have read them. They are a lot of fun and I enjoy the 
irreverent attitude in a lot of the articles. I also see how, even back then, 
there was complaining about no inputs from anyone and the state of the TSA! 

I used to get slammed by a few folks about fonts, punctuation, and the usual 
BS, as the Aggie report was slammed. (I enjoyed the article and told them as 



I think you and others - like maybe our current officers - need to try an 
attitude adjustment in the minds of Texas cavers old and new. Let people know 
the TC is open to all who wish to send in something about caving here, or if 
somewhere else, caving done by Texas cavers wherever! Trip reports, poetry, 
songs, art etc. Scientific and expedition project work NOT necessary! Just 
cavers writing about caving. 


I agree and have made repeated appeals to newbie writers in the past in my 
various postings on CaveTex that you don't have to be a Nobel laureate in order 
to send something in. 


The only thing I get back is the sounds of crickets chirping. 


Although we all love the amazing and scientific/expedition type articles so 
beautifully and painstakingly produced,  I feel that should not be the only 
content. Is notice by the NSS more important than the continuation of the TC 
for the long run? Without material, there is no TC, so perhaps that wonderful 
caving mag should strive to return to simpler and fun times?:) Maybe that would 
encourage more input. 


Wholeheartedly agree again, Mimi. If people don't care enough to send material 
in, I don't care enough to be the Editor after this next issue of the TC. 


Think about what I've said here. Our world is so electronic now. People have 
Internet, cable tv, Facebook, etc. It is so easy to produce quality articles 
with all the tools we have at our disposal now. But people are busy living in 
our fast paced world, and will not take time to contribute to something if made 
to feel inferior or unappreciated. They have better ways to use their time for 
their own personal enjoyment and fulfillment. 


Wow, we agree again. It’s the dumbing down, ADD world that the digital age has 
wrought. No one reads papers, reads books, or writes or reads anything of heft 
and substance. 


"Idiocracy" is becoming the new norm (look it up in Wikipedia) and people would 
rather post some nonsensical post about their need for coffee on Facebook than 
create anything of substance. Please! 



If you bothered to finish this rambling mess, hopefully it will give you some 
insight on how to reinvigorate the TC. One article I would love to see would 
need to be done by Gil Ediger or someone else with long time knowledge of the 
Texas Old Timers Reunion. (Sorry, I am an old timer and old fashioned. Not pc 
at all.) I heard Gil talking to some newer cavers about the significance of all 
the images in the cave drawing now on the back of the tshirts. Let's have an 
article with a breakdown of the image - like an outline with numbers on each 
part - and the story behind each image. Although an active Texas caver since 
the 70s, I do not know who all the people are who are depicted, nor the stories 
about them as to how or why they were chosen to be there. This article alone 
could take up pages in an issue, and I think there are a lot of cavers who 
don't know this information and would find it interesting.  


That is an excellent idea and I like it a LOT! 


Anyway, enough. After all the years I spent helping on the TC - from writing, 
taking pics, typing, layout work, printing, assembling, mailing - I would hate 
to see it go down. I still enjoy it! Attitudes must change to assure survival. 
Of course I personally feel the caving world has gotten too lofty and proud and 
political, but I am just a simple sport caver:) What do I know, and who cares? 


You and James know a LOT and I appreciate your insight and observations, Mimi! 



Imagine putting the TC out every month like Jim used to do! We used to write a 
LOT of trip reports and articles from our own trips, projects, etc, for the 
same reason - used them when no submissions! 


I have done the same, Mimi, but doing it every month like y'all used to? Wow! 


I will say that in this age of electronic wizardry, I really don't see why you 
don't have submissions. It's so easy to send stuff in. So, either everyone is 
putting the reports in grotto newsletters and not sharing with the TC, all 
active cavers have lost your TC info, or all caving these days is "secret" and 
not for sharing. Surely couldn't be laziness or apathy! 


Believe it or not, not ONE grotto is doing newsletters anymore! 


UTG hasn't done one in years, the DFW's (Oztotl Caver) crashed and burned and 
they have resorted to a blog on their website which no one posts to, the 
Maverick Grotto is kaput, the Lubbock Grotto doesn't do one, Bill Bentley did a 
great job with the PBSS's Hole News, but is it finis, and the Houston Grotto 
used to have a newsletter when Kevin and Emily McGowan were doing it, but, it 
also is no more. 


At this rate, The TEXAS CAVER is headed for extinction and people can post 
their pictures and fluff comments to FB. 


They all seem to like FB better. Heck, my kids have been on a bunch of trips 
and even I can't get them to write on! 



With all the organized caving at preserves, projects, etc, with a report from 
each of those trips you should have lots of material for each issue. Rather see 
all that in the TC than on cavetex:) Pics included. 


Amen, sister! 



Amazing that you agreed with me on so much! I am an older caver, and have 
always been a bit quiet due to not wanting to make waves:) Jim knows I can get 
in trouble if I open up too much:) My opinions can be a bit harsh. 

Sound fine to me! 


First, you can't just post on cavetex and ask people to submit something:) Has  
to be more personal. Jim used to write over 365 letters a year asking for 
submissions and helping folks with ideas for articles. Of course, that was with 
snail mail! How easy can e-mail be in comparison?

I have appealed by email to folks that have either posted trip announcements, 
been on a trip, or have conducted talks, etc. at Grotto meetings. I would say 
my batting average is at 5% response. 

The last couple of months, it has been a big, fat zero response. 



Some people who complain the most about some things contribute little. (I did 
not say that, though:))

Once again, Amen, sister! 



I really feel cavers are so into their own projects - secret and public - that 
they simply do not want to publish info so as not to be bothered with others 
wanting to join in. Just too busy, as stated before. I am older, kids grown and 
gone, but still work full time and have family responsibilities that leave not 
much me time. So I get it. But some efforts are worth the rewards.

Agreed and been there, done that. I still found time to write trip reports when 
I was the DFWG’s Oztotl Caver editor. Once one sits down to write it, it 
usually goes very fast. 


Also, I realize many of our caving movers and shakers are either older and feel 
they have already given enough, or are younger and want some life outside of 
caving, so again choose not to give it any more time than they do. But again, 
three months to come up with something seems reasonable, right?

I know what you say in reference to the armchair/chronologically challenged 
cavers not being very active anymore. But, heck, I would be happy to receive 
submission of past adventures in exploration for The Carbide Corner column, 
but, to no avail there, either. Fritz Holt and Mark Minton have supplied me 
pieces, as has Bill Steele, but, that’s about it! 



Gil is not the only one to approach about the OT graphic. Ask around in the 
UTG, whoever makes the shirt, or put that part of my suggestion out there. See 
if a group will come forward and do it! I could be labeled as stupid and out of 
the loop for not knowing, but Waco is not a caving community! 


Neither is the Dallas area where I live, but, hopefully someone will step up 
and write a piece and supply me the graphic. 

I just don't know if there is the interest in the TC anymore to keep it alive, 
but time will tell. Jim tells me there is gobs of caving going on in Texas, but 
unless your involved, you don't hear about it. 

You’re right, Mimi. There is a gob of caving going on, but no one wants to 
write a report on it, or, the ones that have written reports in the past are 
tired of doing all of the documenting and want/need someone else to do it. 


I know I fall in the latter category. 



Gas prices on our limited budget make us pick and choose where and when we go 





Hmmm - maybe people could write anonymous articles, as in no cave names, 
county, or road locations. Just somewhere in Texas kind of thing. That could 
preserve their project's anonymity, but still give folks some entertaining 
moments of underground activity. No directionality even on maps!  Even leave 
off names of those on trips - like true fiction stuff! Worth a suggestion? (Jim 
just said yuck to this, for no one likes to hear about the secret caving of 
others - even fictionalized! But if you don't know if it's real, gets your 
attention, right?)


Excellent idea! 



Ok, enough. We do not want to be in charge of anything anymore, but don't mind 
giving out ideas or suggestions. Because we live so far from most caving and 
have limited travel resources, we have to sometimes miss things we used to 
attend always. We do what we can, and lend support where feasible. 


I sincerely enjoy your thoughts and observations and, maybe, with the future of 
The TEXAS CAVER being on the chopping block, this message would elicit a 


If no response, the masses will have spoken. 


Either way, it will generate some interest and, by God, the TC needs it! 


I'll hope for interest and submissions. Just hard to understand why the newer, 
younger generation of Texas cavers are not as passionate about sharing their 
experiences as we older ones. Not all of us are on fb or have smart phones, and 
I still think one of the best parts of a trip is the vocal - or printed - 
rehashing of the experience. Oh, and the bath!:)





Mimi and Mark 







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