Blair Pittman Update 


Mary and I visited Jean and Blair in Marathon on our way back to Denver.   He 
is now there in her house and Jean is getting some good skilled nursing and PT 


The "get well" photo arranged at Brackettville was greatly appreciated.   Many 
thanks to all who participated in that, especially Logan and Carl. 


Blair has a long, complicated, road to recovery ahead of him, but he and Jean 
seem in good spirits and are tackling the process head-on. 


He presents as a stroke victim, with his own Blair-specific modifications.   He 
bounced around in the roll-over and his brain really rattled around inside his 
skull resulting in random internal damage.   In addition to a shattered C2 
(external blow), there was basal bleeding associated with that trauma. He is in 
a wheel chair, on oxygen and has to monitor his oxygen blood level, has 
significant balance problems (which are slowly but steadily improving), and his 
memory and cognitive abilities vacillate from good to poor (those are also 
steadily improving). 


Friends from Terlingua and the rest of the world have been visiting and giving 
encouragement.   Jean is clearly thoroughly in love with Blair and working 
extremely hard to provide him the needed support.   In turn, Jean needs our 
support.   Her task is difficult and will not soon end. 


"Jean Hardy-Pittman" < > 


US Mail: 

Jean Hardy-Pittman 

c/o Front Street Books 

121 East Holland   Ave 

Alpine, TX   79830 


Alpine Store (Front Street Books) 432-837-3360 


If you are in the area and can spend a couple of hours with him, please do so.  
 Contact Jean in advance. 



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