This past year has not been kind to our community. We tragically lost one young 
member, another beloved member found out he is terminally ill, then Mallory and 
friend Rex get hurt, and now Gill. Through all of this, the only thing that 
should matter is sending all our best wishes and hopes for recovery to those 
who need them, and if help is required, stepping up.

Emily is doing an amazing and heartfelt job of keeping us informed about 
Mallory and friend Rex, as Ellie and Galen have done about Gill. That is 
enough:) We get what we need from them. In return, our positive feedback to 
them gets back to our injured friends! For all who visit either and have 
information to share, let it come from our unofficial ambassadors of news, and 
otherwise, write your visit in detail down for yourself to be passed on to that 
person when they are better:) It is personal to you, but when better, our 
injured friends may want to know how they did during their recovery, whether 
short or long.

I am a mom, stepmom, and grandma, and have suffered loss. Who hasn't? Let these 
incidents bring us together with a common bond of healing and friendship.

"No man is an island," and "too many cooks spoil the broth." Keep these 
sentiments in mind.

Sincerely, with only good thoughts for all involved,

Mimi Jasek

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