I am often amazed at some of the utterly tasteless and inappropriate postings I 
read on TexasCavers.  Some postings have been rated “R” or even “X."  Other 
postings are actually more a personal blog or diary and have no place in a 
forum where others must then wade through your account of having a flat tire on 
the way to breakfast on the day of the Grotto meeting.  That sort of thing 
dilutes the quality of TexasCavers and has caused some members to unsubscribe.  
This is the price we pay for the freedom of an unmoderated listserve.

That aside, Denise is absolutely correct with her comment about how e-mails 
should be directed.  I see some postings directed to all TexasCavers 
subscribers that begin with a single name and are directed solely toward one 
person (or a very small group).  Those messages do not directly concern all 
subscribers.  If it’s a personal comment, please direct it to that person.  One 
personal posting often leads to several follow-up postings that add nothing to 
the thread.  It’s all too easy to click “reply all” when it would be more 
appropriate to change the address box so that your two word response, “Me, 
too!” goes only to Joe Caver and not to the 99% of other subscribers who care 
not a whit about Joe’s earlier posting and even less that you agree with Joe 
Caver’s first comment that, often as not, is now completely detached from the 
original thread and misidentified on the Subject line.

The fuss is mostly just an issue of e-mail etiquette.  Before you post to 
TexasCavers, think for a moment, especially before you click “reply all.”  Will 
quite a few readers be interested in your posting or should it be sent 
privately?  Is it civil and reasonably on-topic for the group?  Is the subject 
line appropriate for the message?  Do you really need to include all previous 
postings to a certain thread to make your point?  Maybe it’s time to delete a 

===Carl Kunath


From: Denise P 
Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2013 7:17 PM

This is a public forum, and I think a general policy of civility is in order. 

If a person has a beef with someone, it would be nice if they kept their emails 
directed only to that person so we on Cavetex don't have to see it. 

You're bringing me down!

My two cents,

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