I am still receiving inappropriate emails from people bashing Locklear
about his visits to Mallory.  I have known David for quite some time and
while he may not always say or do the proper thing (who of us do?), he is
not mean spirited and actually is a kind, caring person.  I mean, I haven't
been to see her.  He went out of his way to visit.  I have never known him
to say anything mean about anyone, but people sure seem to like to go after
him.  I realize at some point he and Mallory had a falling out, but I know
that there was reconciliation there in the same way I reconciled with
Mallory when we had a falling out.  I wonder if Mallory remembers that,
that we made up, or does she still think we are mad at each other? I
believe Vickie said quite specifically that Mal's cognitive abilities are
not functioning at full capacity and she gets a lot of things mixed up. I
don't understand this continued bashing of David.  I wonder what a sad,
pathetic life someone must have to wallow in this kind of vicious
behavior.  And, I feel quite strongly that Vickie can manage her's and
Mallory's business quite appropriately and effectively without all this
(just judging by her posts).  It is not anyone's business other than
Vickie's unless SHE specifically asked someone to intervene.  I cannot
believe that the subject was even discussed with Mallory, which the emails
say it did and she was pissed at Locklear.  She should be focusing on her
recovery and not being incited to anger by such hatefulness.  If she
doesn't want him to visit, her mom will take care of it and this whispering
and sniggering behind his back is sickening.

I find these emails I am receiving to be hateful and hurtful for no other
apparent reason than someone wants to be an ass.  I am very disappointed in
one of the people involved that I considered to be a friend.  I never
realized that he gossiped and stirred up trouble the way he has been doing
in this situation.  It has brought me to the unhappy realization that he is
not to be trusted, and is not the kind of person I want to call a friend.

I hope this will now stop and we can focus on Mallory and her recovery,
rejoicing in how well she is doing and not all this hate mongering.


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