Her post is probably borderline, the defining bit for me is that it is
intended as rude (rightly so), but it's just a small flame waiting to be
fanned, and if I hadn't posted what I did, it would probably grow to a
forest fire.

I haven't had time for caving either, between a full time job and trying to
keep up on my hobbies and volunteer projects

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 7:59 PM, Joe Ranzau <jran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> See, I don't think she flamed anyone as no names were named or enough
> detail given to id the perps...
> I sort of agree with Sheryl but find David to be a total pain in the ass
> ;-)
> I'm alright.  Took a consulting gig with 100% travel.  Been a lot of
> work.  This project is only through the end of the year, I'm going to want
> the rest when it is over.
> How about you?  Not much time for me to go caving...
> Joe
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 5:56 PM, Charles Goldsmith 
> <wo...@justfamily.org>wrote:
>> OH, I agree with what you just said Joe, however, it's off topic, per the
>> rules set for this listserve.
>> Please see rule #1 http://texascavers.com/rules.html
>> Now, while I agree with Sheryl on a personal matter, I have to keep the
>> peace, which I will do.
>> Btw, long time no talk, how are you doing?
>> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 7:51 PM, Joe Ranzau <jran...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'd like to say that I think you are wrong ;-)
>>> Only though, because I feel cavers as a group do an excellent job at
>>> self policing and pushing in or getting those outliers under control.  We
>>> have a small group on a witch hunt and Sheryl found a tactful way to call
>>> them on their bullshit.
>>> This email list serves as the virtual campfire for the group, this is
>>> part of the normal communal discourse that is unique to our virtual family.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Joe
>>> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Charles Goldsmith <wo...@justfamily.org
>>> > wrote:
>>>> aside from my personal opinion on this matter (which doesn't matter), I
>>>> have to stay neutral on most matters.  This thread, as well as the previous
>>>> one on this subject, are way off topic and do not belong on the list.
>>>>  Please take it to private email.
>>>> If someone on the list offends you, you have two choices in my eyes.
>>>>  Hit the almighty delete button, or email the person making the offense and
>>>> talk it out in private.
>>>> If you have thoughts or opinions on this, do not reply all, but reply
>>>> to me directly please.
>>>> Charles
>>>> Texascavers.com listserver administrator
>>>> On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Sheryl Rieck 
>>>> <sheryl.ri...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> I am still receiving inappropriate emails from people bashing Locklear
>>>>> about his visits to Mallory.  I have known David for quite some time and
>>>>> while he may not always say or do the proper thing (who of us do?), he is
>>>>> not mean spirited and actually is a kind, caring person.  I mean, I 
>>>>> haven't
>>>>> been to see her.  He went out of his way to visit.  I have never known him
>>>>> to say anything mean about anyone, but people sure seem to like to go 
>>>>> after
>>>>> him.  I realize at some point he and Mallory had a falling out, but I know
>>>>> that there was reconciliation there in the same way I reconciled with
>>>>> Mallory when we had a falling out.  I wonder if Mallory remembers that,
>>>>> that we made up, or does she still think we are mad at each other? I
>>>>> believe Vickie said quite specifically that Mal's cognitive abilities are
>>>>> not functioning at full capacity and she gets a lot of things mixed up. I
>>>>> don't understand this continued bashing of David.  I wonder what a sad,
>>>>> pathetic life someone must have to wallow in this kind of vicious
>>>>> behavior.  And, I feel quite strongly that Vickie can manage her's and
>>>>> Mallory's business quite appropriately and effectively without all this
>>>>> (just judging by her posts).  It is not anyone's business other than
>>>>> Vickie's unless SHE specifically asked someone to intervene.  I cannot
>>>>> believe that the subject was even discussed with Mallory, which the emails
>>>>> say it did and she was pissed at Locklear.  She should be focusing on her
>>>>> recovery and not being incited to anger by such hatefulness.  If she
>>>>> doesn't want him to visit, her mom will take care of it and this 
>>>>> whispering
>>>>> and sniggering behind his back is sickening.
>>>>> I find these emails I am receiving to be hateful and hurtful for no
>>>>> other apparent reason than someone wants to be an ass.  I am very
>>>>> disappointed in one of the people involved that I considered to be a
>>>>> friend.  I never realized that he gossiped and stirred up trouble the way
>>>>> he has been doing in this situation.  It has brought me to the unhappy
>>>>> realization that he is not to be trusted, and is not the kind of person I
>>>>> want to call a friend.
>>>>> I hope this will now stop and we can focus on Mallory and her
>>>>> recovery, rejoicing in how well she is doing and not all this hate
>>>>> mongering.
>>>>> Sheryl

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