I am still sort-of optimistic that cavers will someday find a use for
Google+, as either a supplement to Facebook, or a replacement.

There are 2 NSS sites on Google+.      One is the official page of the NSS
that only sends out official news announcements, and the
other is sort of a chat-page where cavers can post whatever they want.

The chat-page now has 99 members, but I have no idea how many of those
view it.


I did not create the chat-page, but I had been following it because I
thought it was a great idea.

The official page now has 626 likes, and over 300 people have it in their
Google circles.   I bet almost all of those are cavers, but many are
overseas.      I haven't been following the page for a few months, but that
is only because I have not been on-line much lately.


Both of these pages link to one another.      There have been some good
photos posted of the remodeling of the NSS Headquarters.      What is
really great about these 2 pages is the regional caving announcements that
are posted.       This helps organizers of these events, and helps cavers
learn about events they were un-aware of.    For example, I have never
heard of the YTR.


David Locklear

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