Dear Friends,


The abstract deadline for the Sinkhole Conference has been moved from 15
August 2012 to 31 August 2012. The Organizing Committee realized that the
original deadline was only a day after the Geological Society of America
Convention deadline, plus many faculty may not be back in time from their
summer travels and research. The new deadline still provides us enough time
to work with the authors to assure the continued publication of quality
papers in the proceedings, and that the proceedings are ready and
distributed at the conference.


The new deadline also applies to students applying for the Dr. Barry F. Beck
Sinkhole Conference Student Scholarship. We hope many students will apply.
Professors, please encourage your students! This conference series is an
excellent learning opportunity and chance to meet potential colleagues and


More information about the Sinkhole Conference is available at We are putting finishing touches on
our on-line registration, but for registration and other details download or
open the Second Circular at


If you haven't seen it, the link below is a tragic reminder of why we work
so hard to better understand sinkholes, caves, and karst, and to prevent
problems like sudden, unpredicted sinkhole collapse. This is a video of
someone in Taiwan swallowed and killed by a sinkhole that suddenly opened
beneath his feet:


Be safe,






George Veni, Ph.D.

Executive Director

National Cave and Karst Research Institute

400-1 Cascades Avenue

Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220-6215  USA

Office: 575-887-5517

Mobile: 210-863-5919

Fax: 575-887-5523


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