There was no trade in food stuffs between the Mayan and distance peoples as this is the tropics and there was no viable form of preservation for food stuffs. Some seeds and stock animals could have been traded (coco's prime use as money for example) but the foods would have rotted to an unusable muck before a few days of travel had taken place. Also the Inca and the Aztec civilizations both existed ~500 years AFTER the Maya "calendar" period we are "celebrating" at TRC, and as such there was no trade with those people, as they did not exist as a culture.

As Stef pointed out the recipes are relaxed to be "Mayan inspired" and not limited to using only true mayan food stuffs. Stef and I had even talked about "allowing" contact Spanish dishes (Spanish dishes with no corn, tomatoes, potatoes, chillies, vanilla, coca and so on) as one option for those that felt limited by using only Mayan food stuffs.

In the end it does not matter, as stef pointed out we are not limiting ourselfs to using only true mayan food stuffs. This allows us to use what ever we want in what ever form or method we want for the dishes.

Cook what ya want and no need to try and find some "source" of possible trade for some ingredient or cooking method one wants to use either.

Terry H.

On 9/10/2012 4:07 PM, Tommy Joe wrote:

The dished listed sounded good. How about a sea food tamale? How about
everything designed around finger food, eaten with the hands? Did they
have knives and forks or were the items served in chunks for handling?
The Mayans did have some kind of milk and butter form trading with the
Peruvians, lama milk, yak butter... ya. Not sure of cheese tho, the
Peruvians did curdle the milk for a drink? They actually had some kind
of beer too.


Will there be some kind of line dish, like an appetizer while standing
in line waiting for your food?
Is TCR really 4 days long now and will the feast be on Sat. night?
Are we planning to serve 400 people?
What is the target budget per dish or per person?

True story:

Had a friend that went to Oregon to get his teepee poles, back in the
late 60s. Planed a big teepee party around a pit cooked pig. Back then
we really inhaled and when the pig was uncovered there was nothing left
of the pig. The fire was too hot and the pig melted away. The party went
on. So Stefan, if you plan to pit cook a pig, an early morning bond fire
for fuel.

I am sticking to the ideal of a seafood melody, now I want to put it
into a tamale. I will use the recipe Heather showed us. I would like to
use fish broth and pig fat.

What will be in the tamale:
maybe crab, at little crab if any
Green onion
White onion
Salt and pepper
Roasted Garlic

Chipotle and roasted tomatoes and roasted bell peppers

Tommy Joe

And yes, I have my eye brows.

On 9/9/2012 10:49 PM, Stefan Creaser wrote:
I like them.

We should probably, in the interests of not going mad, relax the
"restrictions" to recipies inspired by the Maya. Thou.

Anyone else want to add some ideas? :-)


From: Heather Tucek []
Sent: 09 September 2012 20:55
Subject: [tcrcooks] Recipes?

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Go find out!
-Heather Tu�ek
UT Grotto
TSA Membership Chair
NSS 59660
(512) 773-1348<>

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