I'm thinking that some people involved in the discussion were not aware of how 
these proclamations come about and were seeing it as a Governor-generated and 
therefore totally unique item. 

Still, it is an important document and worthy of preservation. The most 
appropriate place for it to rest is at the NSS headquarters, where Pres. Wm 
Shrewsbury says it is welcome. It may need a temporary home until we move into 
the new headquarters, as I can barely imagine the work involved in packing up 
everything in the current building and getting it to the new one, and we sure 
do not want to make that harder.

The suggestion to post a scan to the SWR website is a really good one and I 
hope that it done. 

So. 1. Scan the Proclamation and post it to the SWR website; 2. find a 
temporary place to hold it until the NSS can accept it; 3. Make sure we have a 
way to know when that is; 4. Send it to the NSS.

How does that sound?

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