I think Stephen has the right idea: Scan it and post it on a web site, and then anyone who "wants" their own copy is free to make one. I am glad Stephen took it on himself to get the NM Governor to approve and sign the proclamation - it's a feather in our caver caps to be recognized as an organization. It might end up getting us a favorable opinion by land owners sitting on the fence deciding if our group is "OK" to take care of their property and explore their caves. GOOD WORK, FLEMING!

We had a similar issue at the Fort Stanton Museum, diagonally across the quadrangle from where we just enjoyed our 50th Celebration. We wanted to feature the new NCA and the cave, but all the Museum could provide was a single small room "on the end". Although we had a few "historic items" of caving to show in the room, most of the material we had were photographs and maps. With windows and doors on all four sides of the room, space was limited. Budgets were slim to none. As George will verify, what you actually plan to display is also limited, and even items of current interest like the SWR Proclamation will not retain that interest this time next year. The NSS with their new building is in the same boat. Thanks to the diligence of cavers Mike Bilbo and Knutt Peterson who came up with a display cabinet and a wonderful set of display posters, that small museum room at the Fort will be of significant interest to cavers and Fort Stanton visitors alike. For those that did not get a chance to visit that room last weekend, here is a web page that shows the room soon after it was completed [http://FSCSP.org/museum/index.html].

 - Pete

On Jun 2, 2012, at 11:21 PM, Stephen Fleming wrote:

Arrgggh (on many levels, the main one being that the discussion has once again returned to a handful of people. Here it goes to the list AGAIN.

On 06/02/2012 22:21, George Veni wrote:

One point of clarification. I had written “NCKRI is happy to accept donations of historical significance” but I did not mean to imply that all donations would be displayed per Stephen’s comment below “Veni has said NCKRI would take it and display it.”

My error in summarizing too generally relative to the NCKRI angle.

However, this thing has spiraled so far out of control with such arcane suggestions as traveling displays, poster boards and other convolutions that just dumbfound me.

Folks, it is just a piece of paper and, lest anyone be under any misconception, I wrote every word of the proclamation, the governor's office didn't have a clue (how would they?). They just looked over the request and verbiage, went to the website link I provided to verify it was a request for a legitimate organization and event, and signed the damn thing. So, it isn't all that special after all, is it? If anyone's delusions were shattered, sorry.

The pushing, pulling, tugging and shoving over this pro forma piece of paper with a gold foil seal simply is amazing.

Nevertheless, the original needs to be stored someplace other than someone's closet, garage, back room, etc. But that is not being discussed. Nobody is listening to the archival issue as everyone is off on some tangent about how to use it and want every location under the sun except some place that will properly archive it for its celebratory recognition.

When this thing comes in, I will make my own scan and them I am going to mail it to Aaron Stockton so the SWR board can fight over and decide whose closet it will go into, never to be seen again.

I'm done with it.

I TOTALLY regret even asking for the thing to be created and its arrival after the fact is not only post-climactic, it is not welcome at all. Big mistake.

Stephen Fleming

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