On 12/09/2011 6:57, Nancy Weaver wrote:
anyone else remember when the gourmet meal during and post caving was an open unheated can of something, often glugged down without benefit of the unnecessary weight of a spoon? campbells soup was popular as well as beanie weanies and god knows whatever other delights.

There is a well-known caver, still active in the Austin area, whose main choice of food on weekend caving trips in the early 70s consisted predominantly of Vienna Sausage. And, not just any Vienna Sausage but _*IMITATION*_ Vienna Sausage. I was never sure of exactly what went into the real thing (since it already was a stumpy hotdog), so I cannot fathom what was in the stuff he ate. However, it had the appearance of medical waste when the can was opened. Might explain some things today.

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