
I strongly suggest you "de-friend' cavetex for a few weeks, or however long
it takes you to sort yourself out and get in a better place mentally and
emotionally. Seriously, what are you talking about??? Everyone I spoke to
had a terrific time at the BOG Party last night. We got tons of compliments
on the party, the venues provided for the meetings, lunch arrangements, etc.
Sure, there were a couple slight hiccups, but anyone who has ever hosted a
large caver gathering run entirely by volunteers knows that those happen and
I doubt anyone who wasn't directly working on party planning even noticed.

Thank you SO MUCH to all the Texas cavers from all around the state that
showed up, and the grottos/organizations who donated so we could show the
BOG some good old-fashioned Texas hospitality. I will post the details
tomorrow for all who weren't able to make it. I certainly wouldn't want
anyone who wasn't able to attend to think that the BOG was anything close to
a "complete disaster". Far, far from it....

and David? FYI, the BOG Strategic Planning/Initiatives meeting is still
going on, so the "last BOG member to go to the airport" is still sitting in
his meeting. Please attempt get your facts straight before you start
trashing the people who worked hard to put this together.

Mallory Mayeux
GHG Secretary/BOG Planner-person

On Sun, Oct 23, 2011 at 11:40 AM, David <dlocklea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am imposing a 24 hour Facebook de-friendship ( FDF ) on every caver
> east of the Brazos River
> and south of Huntsville.
> I am imposing a 48 hour FDF on all the active cavers in the 3 grottos
> of that region.
> And a 1 week FDF on the planning committee of the BOG.
> And a 3 week FDF on all the old GHG'ers, who did not lift a finger to help.
> I am imposing a 6 week FDF on the person who had the idea to serve RAW
> corn tortillas with
> the fajitas.
> And a 2 month FDF on the person whose job it was to delegate items for
> the party such as
> ice and paper plates, and other food items to complement the fajitas.
> And a 3 month FDF on 2 individuals who made my life miserable since April.
> And another 3 month added on to that, for whoever made the final call
> on the registration
> web-site.
> And a 6 month FDF to whoever dropped the ball, on getting the last BOG
> member to
> Intercontinental Airport.
> For those not on Facebook, I am filtering you out of my e-mail for 2
> times the amount
> of time.
> I am imposing a sever penalty to Blackberry for all the headaches I
> had with my phone
> this week.   Meaning, I am going to tell everyone I know how much my
> Blackberry Style
> sucks.
> And I wish I could FDF myself.      Friday, the transmission went out
> on our car.   This caused
> me to miss 1/3 of the Howdy Party.   And the shade-tree mechanic that
> I hired, loaned me the
> beater from h*ll, that broke down on me on the way to the business
> meeting.   And after that,
> I had to put out a $ 10 problem at work, that made me late and
> exhausted upon arrival to the
> BOG Party.
> And to mother nature delivering her swarm of mosquitoes, I will
> dedicate my life to killing
> every mosquito that I can that touches me or my family.
> I will allow at least 4 particular cavers a fair chance to contest the
> above FDF's, or to request
> a reduced suspension, only because they did quite a bit of work on the
> BOG and have also
> on previous occasions, and it would would have been a complete
> disaster had they dropped
> the ball at the last minute.
> David Locklear
> much more grumpier than usual
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