Isn't that a good enough reason? Any excuse will do! 
Actually that was just the beginning of the adventure. After visiting the  
eastern side of the Sierra del Nido I continued south to a very beautiful 
area  just north of Cumbres de Majalca, took down the fence, went in, hid for 
a few  days, then again fled with cowboys on my tail. 
Then I went around to the western side to the remote and wonderful  Rancho 
Sierra del Nidoand had many adventures with inbred Mennonites,  then headed 
up the mountain to join a group of Mexican biologists looking for  the last 
Mexican wolf.
In a message dated 10/27/2011 11:29:48 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

You  mean you drove all that way for one snake and a couple of lizards?  
From: [] 

Despite  it being a summer day it was cold as hell up there. There seemed 
to be no  chance of finding any snakes, but when I complained an ancient 
cowboy looked  around and pointed at a pine tree. There to my amazement was a 
little twin  spotted rattlesnake (Crotalus pricei) climbing straight up the 
tree  caterpillar style. There were also a few cold numbed alligator lizards. 
Clouds  closed in and we were nearly out of beer so it was time to  depart.

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