ANd I am happy to do the page that links rtf files to the web -- this summer.
At 3:51 PM -0500 3/30/11, Charles Goldsmith wrote:
Bill, how about googling like this: site:<> Sótano de las Golondrinas

You can even put a search bar on your site to do this, see <> for an example. You can have it automattically select the site checkbox for searching the site instead of the web. As long as google will index the RTF files, it will work, that will have to be researched.

If either of you have questions about this, let me know.

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Mixon Bill <<>> wrote:

I suppose I ought to also invite people to contribute material on Mexican caves to the archives of the Association for Mexican Cave Studies.

The catalogs of the AMCS "library" are on its web site at <> The library comprises series of periodicals received in exchange and books large enough to shelve. The archives consist of disks and paper items that are being placed in storage cases or file folders and cataloged slowly. A lot of the things currently cataloged are related to the preparation of AMCS publications (original manuscripts, original maps, photographs, etc.), but there are a lot of other miscellaneous things such as articles from other publications (originals or photocopies), printouts from web sites, maps, etc. It includes three boxes of material donated by James Reddell and one box from William Russell.

So far, I have cataloged about 300 disks and 3000 paper items in the archives. As of now, these catalogs consist of long RTF files. I'm not sure what good it would do to put that on the web, because people would only be able to download the whole thing and search it with whatever rudimentary "find" command is in their word-processing program. It would be nice if someone could come up with a way that a web user could display only a list of the items meeting some Google-like search criterion. The extraction could be done either at the server or in the user's browser. Anybody with ideas how this can be done, please contact me. Meanwhile I will think about putting the RTF files on the AMCS web site for whatever that's worth.

Anyway, looks like I've got another couple thousand items to sort out and catalog, and of course the AMCS will be happy to keep any additional material warm and dry and eventually catalog it, too. And if anybody wants to help dig up additional things for the archives, for example by searching my library for Mexico material that should be photocopied and filed, welcome. -- Bill Mixon
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