I would like to add my thanks and congratulations to everyone who gave their 
time and effort to make it a very enjoyable convention.
Several more people not listed below also deserve specific mention:

the speakers: I am always impressed with the variety and quality of the talks at TSA Conventions, and this one was no exception. They covered exploration, digs, and scientific studies ranging from central Texas to Far West Texas to other states to the Galapagos and China, and even included a poetry reading.

the photographers and cartographers: thanks for taking the time to enter the photo and map salons; whether you won an award or not, your entries were certainly worth seeing

the folks who pack, load, unpack, sit for hours at the display tables, repack, 
reload, at every TSA gathering
Lee Jay Graves (TSA Store, which makes a lot of money for TSA)
Ron Ralph, Jim Kennedy, et al. for the TSS
Bill Mixon for the AMCS
Becky Jones for Gonzo Guano Gear

James Jasek for herding almost all of us into one place and making us sit still 
for a group photo;
Carl Kunath for taking another photo to send to Blair Pittman (I sent it 
looking forward to seeing one or even both of these photos in the Texas Caver

the many unnamed folks who donated some very interesting items for the auction; it never ceases to amaze me how much money is raised from such a relatively small group of dedicated cavers who either have a lot of disposable income and/or consumed a lot of the free libations


On 4/4/2011 9:19 AM, ellie :) wrote:
We had a great turn out for the 2011 TSA Spring Convention in Brackettville 
with over 100 in attendance.
Thank you to all who attended and to all who helped to make the convention a 
I would like to give special thanks to the following:

    * Mallory Mayeux for enthusiastically recruiting speakers and for 
entertaining us during the TCMA fundraising auction.
    * Roger Moore for being dedicated to having a great line-up of speakers for 
the convention and for hauling 4 kegs of beer to and from the
      convention from Spoetzl Brewery.
    * Stefan Creaser for masterminding Saturday dinner and all the work 
involved with that.
    * Leslie Bell for slaving away in the kitchen all day for the Saturday 
dinner, and for the prep work done weekends before.
    * Vico for masterminding with Stefan to create a delicious BBQ dinner. Yum.
    * Chris Francke for slaving away in the kitchen all day for the Saturday 
dinner, and for transporting, setting-up, and running the AV
      system during talks and the evening show.
    * Michael Cicherski for doing registration and for taking care of all the 
    * Mark Alman for finally getting out of my hair so I could be president for 
a day...and for all the help leading up to convention.
    * Marvin Miller for chairing the Map Salon and for soliciting lots of 
    * Don Arburn for chairing the Photo Salon and making sure the photos.
    * Fritz Holt for stepping up at the last minute to organize and lead the 
convoys of cavers through Kickapoo Caverns.
    * Rod Goke for willingly providing AV for the Convention.
    * Jim Kennedy for the TCMA auction.
    * Andrea Croskrey for displaying Texas spirit while assisting the TCMA 
fundraising auction.
    * Saj Zappitello for organizing the TCMA auction and soliciting for items, 
and for lending me that red dress.
    * Joe Ranzau for being at my beckncall.
    * Vendors for making sure we all know whats going on.
    * David Ochel and Becky Jones for putting on the Gear Adjustment Workshop.
    * Bill Steele for hooking cavers up with Shiner beer!!!
    * Diana Tomchick for Margarita Happy Hour.
    * Pete Strickland for making sure no caver camp goes without a campfire.
    * Bexar Grotto for lending an ear and a hand during and before the 
    * EVERYONE else who helped out...Im sure I have left someone out.

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