Julia wrote:
> I am curious about something tho:  Just how many condoms does one take on an
> expedition to Papua New Guinea?

Frank replies:

That¹s another funny story.
When I was helping unpack the expedition¹s 18 tons of supplies and equipment
at our Telefomin base camp, I opened a crate to find thousands of Durex
brand condoms. (And this was long before the era of Aids and Safe Sex
³Wow !³, I exclaimed to my British companions , ³Is there something you
Brits do on caving trips that I wasn¹t aware of when I signed on?²
Turns out that Jon Buchan, the expedition¹s Yorkshire-caving doctor who had
no prior tropical experience, had read an article about a parasite in Amazon
waterways that enters the human body through the penis. Not knowing that
this organism didn¹t exist in New Guinea, Jon planned to have each member of
the expedition wear a condom during our daily treks when we would frequently
be wading through jungle streams. Thankfully Jon¹s concerns were alleviated
by local medical authorities before we had to test his hypothesis that the
condoms would stay in place, all day long while hiking, even if our male
equipment wasn¹t...ahem...standing at attention.
I wish I could report that we were able to put those thousands of expedition
condoms to some more appropriate use than shielding shotgun barrels from
rainwater, but alas they remained unused to the end of our time in
Telefomin. I did take a few back to Texas with me to keep in my cave
pack‹just in case of future opportunities. It may be time now, however, to
change them out for some with a fresher expiration date.
Frank Binney
Frank Binney & Associates
Interpretive Planning and Media Development
P.O. Box 258
Woodacre, CA 94973
415.488.1200 Voice
415.488.1500 Fax
415.999.0556 Mobile


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