On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 2:41 PM, David <> wrote:

> Have any of you ever contracted a really bad fungus on the skin such
> as on the feet
> or in crevice areas of the body, such as the crotch?
> I have.   The itch will simply drive you insane for days, if not weeks.
> You can't sleep and you toss and turn.    You wake up feeling exhausted.
> You try your best not to scratch it because
> you are smart enough to know that scratching just makes it worse.
> You put ointments
> on it, and creams, and lotions, trying to find something that will
> stop the painful itching.
> But you keep scratching anyways.
> Nothing seems to work, but it eventually goes away once you realize
> you have to stop
> touching it.
> If bats are experiencing this painful itching, then my heart goes out
> to them, as there
> is probably nothing they can do to get that itch off their nose, and
> they probably feel
> like their whole body is itching.
> Cold weather seems to help the itch go away, so maybe they go stick
> their nose in a cold
> spot to kill the itch.
> I have found no over the counter medicine that kills the itch.
> Topical pain-killers like benzocaine,
> will numb the pain.    Any product with alcohol burns like crazy,
> especially if you have already
> lost your 1st layer of skin.
> David Locklear
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~Gary McDaniel
  Grand Junction, CO

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