The following is an account of our most recent meeting. It's long because we did alot. Jacqui

PBSS Meeting Notes 07 August 2010

The meeting opened at precisely 1900 after a most excellent grilled hamburger dinner on Bill Bentley's patio. In attendance were: Bill Bentley, Barry and Donna Hayes, Tony and Rene Abernathy, Kerry Lowery, Walter Feaster, Dominick Percoco, Rebecca (hmmm), Jacqui Thomas.

The meeting opened with the treasurer's report-we have the same amount of money we've had for the last 3-4 months minus the amount spent on burgers and fixings. We also had a renewal by Barry and Donna, and Rebecca joined, our first enrollment at the new student rate.

First order of business started with an explanation of the NSS's requirement that the NSS Library receive two hard copies of every newsletter. We have been sending a link to a .pdf of the Hole News, thinking that was adequate, but it's not-the .pdf is only gleaned by Kim for grotto news for the NSS News.

After considerable discussion we first came up with a statement of the logic of our motion and what PBSS is willing to do, then framed a motion to present to the Board of Governors of the NSS.

Many grotto newsletters are electronic publications only. Unless archived materials have been printed with high quality ink on high quality rag content paper, "archived" publications are not long-lived. Electronic archive services are becoming more economical and are redundant.

All Permian Basin Speleological Society publications-"Spylunk" then "Hole News"-are available on line as Adobe Portable Document Files (.pdfs). If preferred, we would be happy to provide the NSS library with a compact disc of our newsletters. Phrased as a motion to the NSS Board of Governors, we plan to present the following:

The Permian Basin moves that the National Speleological Society convert to an electronic archiving system and allow any grotto that publishes electronically to submit these publications to the NSS in their electronic form.<<

If the membership thinks this is "it" we will submit it to the Board of Governors. If it needs fine-tuning please contact an officer with suggestions.

We are working on a trip to Comanche Springs Cave in Ft. Stockton for September 11th. If it's a go it would be a mapping trip only. We are still working on the date and details and we would like any member with good sketching skills to plan on participating.

Reminded everyone that SW Regional is in Albuquerque over Labor Day weekend. So far none of us is attending which makes Martha McArthur unhappy. Sorry, Martha.

Walter Feaster moved that Bill Bentley declare his intention to attend at least part of the next Fort Stanton Project week. Jacqui seconded. All were in favor with one abstention. (Guess).

Dominick mentioned that "DIRT"is most likely defunct but that the ASU geology club might want to take over the remailer.

We then moved into our discussion of our Carlsbad rock hauls. We have been frustrated by things like last-minute cancellations, changes in allowed numbers of people, inavailability of a dump truck and/or a driver, and other difficulties in our attempts to continue with a project that we have been on since 1986 under CRF and as our own project since 1994.

After a brief history for the folks who are relatively new to PBSS, we discussed all possibilities regarding continuing or not continuing to haul rock.We decided to speak with Dale and (possibly) the person who replaced Tom Bemis, express our concerns, our desire to continue our participation in a needed project that we all enjoy, and see what we can work out.

Kerry will contact Dale and if Kerry and Walter can coordinate they will both visit with Dale. Kerry will report back after their talk.

The meeting was closed with the gavel against the pipe upright of Jacqui's cheap folding camp chair at precisely 2013.

And a good time was had by all. Thanks, Bill & Debbie! Jacqui

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