One of my favorite films about the potential rewards and fatal pitfalls of
being a small town mayor in rural Mexico is La ley de Herodes (Herod's Law).
You can find it on Netflix if your local video store doesn't have it. It's a
very funny satirical look at political corruption that will be especially
relevant to those oldsters among us who remember when Mexico was essentially
a one-party system under PRI.
--Frank Binney

On 8/30/10 5:08 PM, "Gill Edigar" <> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 12:16 AM, David <> wrote:
>> There is a town along the highway to Ciudad Victoria called Hidalgo.
>> It is just northeast of the Purificacion area.
>> The mayor of that town was found shot to death today.
> Geography lesson for the day.
>     The city of Hidalgo is as you described it. It is also the seat of
> government for the Municipio de Hidalgo (more or less the status of a
> county in Texas) which, by chance, is the Municipio in which Conrado
> Castillo exists politically, though in the farthest southwest corner.
> The owners and inhabitants of Conrado Castillo have always been
> treated like an orphan child out in the far reaches of the boondocks
> by the perpetually corrupt government in Hidalgo.
>     I think this is not the first mayor that's been shot there in the
> past 50 years. Being a local politician in Mexico is fraught with much
> fear and uncertainty. The perceived rewards of office must make them
> worth running for. After all, not everybody dies in office. Most walk
> away rich--or richer, at least--than when they entered though not
> without some ulcers.
> --Ediger
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