NSS Joins Combined Federal Campaign
Donations made easy!
The NSS has been accepted for the 2010 Combined Federal Campaign!  This means 
that all you federal & military employees around the world canselect the NSS to 
receive your donations when you participate in the Combined Federal Campaign 
(CFC).  Our CFC number is 10808.   

As the word spreads about the NSS being a CFC contribution option, we hope more 
cavers will participate.  This will be the third year that the NSS has been 
accepted to participate in the CFC.  

Established in 1961, the CFC is the largest workplace charity campaign in the 
country and the only campaign authorized to solicit and collect contributions 
from federal employees in the workplace.   Through this effort, nearly four 
million federal employees and military personnel are able to contribute to the 
organizations of their choice during the annual charity drive, which runs from 
September 1 through December 15. 

What an easy way to direct your charitable giving to support caves, cavers, and 
your favorite society!  For information on the CFC, visit www.cfctoday.org and 
don’t forget that the NSS CFC number is 10808! 

Scott Fee, NSS Fund Raising Dude 

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