Using metal strips or tags was once a popular method of marking stations in 
 Texas caves.  You can still find them in some of the caves that were  
surveyed back around the 1960s. I still use colored aluminum tags for  
stations that I want to easily relocate. 
In a message dated 6/13/2010 11:08:19 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I have a  question, or questions.

Do cavers still place numerical metal tags at  caves?

Do any caves still have the old metal tags around them  ?

My memory seems to recall seeing a round tag a little
bigger than  a quarter with a number on it at a cave I
once went to.

I can't  remember if I saw that at CBSP or somewhere
else where cavers were marking  caves.    Maybe out
at Bandera ?

If my memory is correct,  was this a grotto thing, or a
TSS thing, or some other  group?

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