I, also, am in favor of continuing rock hauls at Carlsbad, though I have only 
been fortunate enough to attend one.  I do it for the enjoyment, though it 
would be nice to know that the NPS appreciates our work enough to list us as a 
contributing body.  

I would be interested in both trips mentioned, and I will contact Lucas 
regarding the same, as he lives in Ft. Davis now, and would not have to drive 
far to either of those places.  Hell, for the new $5 Student membership plan, I 
might even be able to cajole him into swelling our ranks a little more!

Terribly sorry I couldn't make the meeting, I'm trying to pay off this damned 
tuition before the next semester starts so I can register for classes.  

Hope to see y'all at the next meeting, however, and I look forward to it, as 


--- On Mon, 7/19/10, Bill Bentley <ca...@caver.net> wrote:

From: Bill Bentley <ca...@caver.net>
Subject: Re: [PBSS] July meeting notes
To: "Kerry Lowery" <klowe...@suddenlink.net>, "'J. LaRue Thomas'" 
<jlrbi...@sonoratx.net>, p...@caver.net
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date: Monday, July 19, 2010, 10:32 AM

     I suggest that we (meaning the PBSS) set up a meeting with the NPS and 
have a agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) as to who does what and who 
gets credit for the work. This way the CRF won't be getting credit for the 
hours and hard work thet the PBSS is essentially doing on it's on...It might 
also point out what obligations the NPS has to have access, what specific 
tools, trucks drivers, and so on... and what we have as to exact number of 
volunters...and so on...
Just a thought.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kerry Lowery" <klowe...@suddenlink.net>
To: "'J. LaRue Thomas'" <jlrbi...@sonoratx.net>; <p...@caver.net>
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2010 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: [PBSS] July meeting notes

> Thanks for keeping us up to date Jacqui.
> I promise I will pay my dues soon.  But I'm gonna wait till after my 
> cruise
> next week, I may need those pesos.
> The Comanche springs trip for me would be much better planned on the 18th,
> that's my weekend off, but do what whats good for the group there.
> And as far as the rock haul goes  --  Although the lack of recognition
> toward the PBSS is unappreciated, especially as much as we have done 
> toward
> this project,  that is not why I have done it all these years.  I attended
> these trips for the sheer enjoyment of caving and sharing with the public
> what we do, why we do it and being able to see a hard days work being 
> driven
> away.  The appreciation that has been received from the public is much 
> more
> satisfying to me than from some government entity who just wants to log 
> our
> hours for volunteer credit.  Maybe we could submit our own trip report to
> Canyons and Caves newletter.
> I would like to keep this project going even if I won't be able to make 
> all
> hauls (damned work).  If help is needed in setting one up, let me know and 
> I
> will be glad to help.
> Last of all.  Yes I would be interested in a non-caving trip to Big Bend.
> But after next week I will be limited on vacation.
> Keep up the good work
> Kerry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: pbss-boun...@caver.net [mailto:pbss-boun...@caver.net] On Behalf Of 
> J.
> LaRue Thomas
> Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2010 10:00 PM
> To: p...@caver.net
> Subject: [PBSS] July meeting notes
> The July 13th meeting of the Permian Basin Speleological  Society opened 
> at
> 1901, an unofficial opening to be sure (no gavel. Again) but an opening
> nonetheless.
> Attending: Tony, Bill, Walter, new (also former) member Allen Laman, and
> Jacqui.
> Treasurer's report: Bill Bentley reported that we again have $738.40. The
> health and stability of the treasury moved us right along to new business 
> as
> Bill made a motion that we lower our dues to $10.00. Bill's motion was
> seconded by Walter and discussion included the information that we used to
> need $15.00 from each member because we were mailing out the Hole News and
> we don't do that anymore.
> Other facts that came out in discussion: PBSS currently has 15 members. 
> Bill
> has sent emails to all cavers whose memberships have expired, asking if 
> they
> would like to re-up. We do have some student members who may have 
> budgeting
> issues (they are students, after all) so we didn't discuss for long before
> we decided to create a student rate of $5.00 (full-time students only) and
> also reduce the associate rate to $5.00.
> The new rate of $10.00 with associate memberships at $5.00 and full-time
> students also at $5.00 passed unanimously. The change is effective
> immediately.
> Bill is working on a trip to Comanche Springs in Ft. Stockton but it needs
> to be a survey trip. Bill is looking into finding a sketcher-mapper person
> who may wish to join us for this trip. Potential dates September 11th or
> 25th. Lori Hales has a contact for a cave near Balmorhea and she hopes to
> have us set up for a trip in the fall or winter. A couple of PBSSers have
> been to this cave a long, long time ago.
> Walter reported from the Fort Stanton project and passed along a personal
> invitation from Steve Peerman to Bill Bentley to involve himself in the 
> Fort
> Stanton Project. (We were assured that all of us are welcome, even without
> the personal invitation).
> We decided to poll the membership regarding whether or not we want to do
> another Carlsbad rock haul.
> We did not set another Five Mouth dig date but will plan another dig when 
> it
> cools off a bit.
> Bill asked if anyone was interested in a not-caving trip to Big Bend as 
> his
> permit is good through December 2010. We all said yes, we are.
> We briefly discussed NSS's request that Internal Organizations consider 
> the
> direction they want to see taken by the NSS and submit appropriate motions
> to the Board of Governors. No motions came to anybody's mind.
> We received contact information for a company that makes patches and will
> make as few as 50. Jacqui will look into how much it would cost for us to
> have some new PBSS patches made.
> The meeting closed at 2001 hours.
> Jacqui Thomas
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