We took our 1st born down some Big Bend rapids in a kayak at age = -1 month. First cave trip was at about +10 months as I recall. Floyd Collins Crystal Cave, part of Mammoth Cave, and I have a picture of the kid peering into Floyd's coffin. He was still in diapers. By age 4 they are big enough to crawl into a tight space where you can't get them, so you need to lay off certain caves until they get some sense about falling down tight pits. That could take another 4-40 years ;-)

 - Pete

On Jul 22, 2010, at 11:32 AM, David McClung wrote:

i got a 5 month old mini caver that will need to go caving for the first time and wondered if anybody has a suggestion on a good cave to go to. I will wait till shes maybe a year old or so. or maybe not.

chow, dave mc

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