
As an NRA life member since 1953 with a CHL I agree with you but likewise, I 
rarely carry. Of course, a gun could be handy when in the company of cavers who 
make bad air.


From: Matt Turner []
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] cave guns

Though not a surprise to anyone who knows me. I definitely would not have a 
problem with someone carrying a gun with them to a cave. Would I?  Probably not 
mainly from a logistical problem.

I don't think as many cavers as you think have problems with guns. I mean just 
this weekend at See my shovel I brought out a small arsenal of weapons( of 
course with the land owners blessing) and most of the cavers there had a 
blast(pun intended) with them. It was a nice after caving, pre-campfire, 

Guns don't kill people, people kill people using guns, knives, cars, and 

Matt Turner


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