

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Charles Goldsmith <>
To: Cavetex <>
Subject: [Texascavers] Postings of late
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 11:01:20 -0600

As anyone that has been on this mailing list for any length of time,
you'll know that the flood of emails come in cycles and that when the
stars align as well as the moon is in the right phase, we get a deluge
of emails that probably shouldn't be here.

As the list owner, I get sent a few comments every now and then,
sometimes I take action, sometimes I just ignore unless the issue or
statement is repeated, and sometimes it just depends on how the email
strikes me that day or my mood.

Since I took over in 2006, I've always intended for this list to be
self moderated, everyone here is an adult in at least their age, if
not their personality, and 99% of the rude comments wouldn't be said
to the person's face, or in front of a group of almost 300 like this.

If you see a comment on the list that you don't like, please don't
respond to all, send a private email to that person only.  There have
been times that I've done this, and others that I'll reply to all, but
I'm mainly doing this to make an example out of a person.

Most of you know, many forget, that we have cave/land owners,
government employees (of our parks and caves) and some very important
people (at least in the caving community) on this list.  How you
portray yourself on here reflects on us all.  You have created a
reputation that has helped in some cases, and destroyed us as a
community in others.  Unfortunately, even through the TSA does not own
this list, but has helped it out financially, it is associated with
this list in some eyes, and because of this, the TSA has a few black
marks against it.  Only time will resolve that little problem.

Before this email gets to long, this is a simple request, and its
pretty much common sense.

Stop and think before you hit that send button.  Is it relevant to
everyone that is a TexasCaver?  Would you say it to the persons face
in front of everyone at a convention?

There are a few people who need to grow up, a few who need to relax,
and everyone else needs to hit the delete key, enjoy the entertainment
and move on :)

If anyone has questions, comments, complaints or gripes, send them to
me, off-list please
list administrator who is on his soap box today

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