Yes, except they already know a lot about it and its effects, just as they
have a good general idea of what all else it causing global warming. There's
a solar flare cycle every 11 years which has a major effect especially on
the way ultraviolet rays affect green house (and other, man made or
otherwise) gases, but a solar maximum happens less frequently (I can't
remember the details) and along with lots of other factors affects the
Earth's atmospheric changes over both short- and long-term periods, almost
always overlapping others--local, regional, continental, hemispheric, and
global--of course.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Brian Riordan <>wrote:

> This would, on the surface, be of great interests to the those seeking the
> cause of "global warming" no?
> On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Gill Edigar <> wrote:
>> Here's a link to an article about GPS degradation due to Solar activity:
>>  *Researchers say the Sun is awakening after a period of low activity,
>> which does not bode well for a world ever more dependent on satellite
>> navigation.*
>> The Sun's irregular activity can wreak havoc with the weak sat-nav signals
>> we use.
>> --Ediger
> --
> Brian Riordan
> 979-218-8009 (Mobile)

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