Hahahaha.  Why is this so politically charged?!  It's a legitimate
question!  I'd imagine if we knew so much about it, we'd have designed
sat-nav signals to be effective at any stage in the solar flare cycle, at
its maximum and minimum outputs.  That sounds like a good basis of design to

I think it's a fair expectation to say "if the sun is sending more radiant
energy at earth, does that mean it will get warmer here?" without
politically polarizing the chat room.

Interesting article anyhow.


On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Gill Edigar <gi...@att.net> wrote:

> Yes, except they already know a lot about it and its effects, just as they
> have a good general idea of what all else it causing global warming. There's
> a solar flare cycle every 11 years which has a major effect especially on
> the way ultraviolet rays affect green house (and other, man made or
> otherwise) gases, but a solar maximum happens less frequently (I can't
> remember the details) and along with lots of other factors affects the
> Earth's atmospheric changes over both short- and long-term periods, almost
> always overlapping others--local, regional, continental, hemispheric, and
> global--of course.
> --Ediger
>  On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Brian Riordan 
> <riordan.br...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> This would, on the surface, be of great interests to the those seeking the
>> cause of "global warming" no?
>>   On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Gill Edigar <gi...@att.net> wrote:
>>> Here's a link to an article about GPS degradation due to Solar activity:
>>>     http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8494225.stm
>>>  *Researchers say the Sun is awakening after a period of low activity,
>>> which does not bode well for a world ever more dependent on satellite
>>> navigation.*
>>> The Sun's irregular activity can wreak havoc with the weak sat-nav
>>> signals we use.
>>> --Ediger
>> --
>> Brian Riordan
>> 979-218-8009 (Mobile)
>> riordan.br...@gmail.com

Brian Riordan
979-218-8009 (Mobile)

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