I second that emotion.


From: germa...@aol.com [mailto:germa...@aol.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 3:38 PM
To: Texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] The First Quarter 2010 issue of The TEXAS CAVER is 
now online!

Outstanding frozen Gorman Falls fotos!  I'm really bummed I didn't brave the 
cold and make the trip.

And the issue overall, is another great effort by the Texas Caver editor.  
Thanks, Mark!

(I just love getting my issue online before the hard copy arrives in the mail)

-----Original Message-----
From: mark.al...@l-3com.com
To: texascavers@texascavers.com
Sent: Thu, Feb 11, 2010 3:20 pm
Subject: [Texascavers] The First Quarter 2010 issue of The TEXAS CAVER is now 


the first quarter version of The TEXAS CAVER has been posted to the Members 
Area (not the free area) by our very own Wizard of the Web, Butch Fralia.

In this issue:

We have some excellent trip reports and photos from Dale Barnard and Tone Garot 
on their trip to Mexico, Bill Steele's excellent NSS interview with Chris 
Nicola and the Story of the Priest's Grotto, Bill Bentley's account of the 
PBSS's CaCa rock haul, a photo montage of the antics at CBSP by the Austin/SA 
Girl Scouts, a huge announcement concerning the TSA Convention in March from 
Ellie, and some excellent photos of the frozen Gorman Falls from Allan Cobb and 
Andy Zenker.

This first issue of the TC for 2010 is available to all paid TSA members.

Not a TSA member? No problem! We still would like for you to contemplate 
becoming a TSA member. Send me an email for your complimentary past issue of 
the TEXAS CAVER and see what you've been missing.
Visit the TSA website at www.cavetexas.org<http://www.cavetexas.org> and become 
a paid member and/or become an online member of the TSA.

If you're a TSA member, but haven't yet joined the Digital Revolution, it is 
extremely painless to do so.

Go to http://www.cavetexas.org/members/ and sign up and enjoy the current and 
back issues!

 Please remember to select how you want your TC: mail or digital.

Be sure to also peruse the back issues of the TEXAS CAVER, if you haven't done 
so already.

There now are a total of 18 (14 in the free area) issues of the Pulitzer worthy 
TEXAS CAVER available for your reading pleasure and available to all!

You can still opt to receive a hard copy TC, but will have to wait a couple of 
weeks, at the earliest, to receive your latest newsletter via snail mail.

We are in the process of transferring ALL back issues of the TEXAS CAVER to the 
website and we will let you know when this monumental task has been completed.

Finally, I want to thank all of the cavers who submitted material for this 
issue and all of the past issues of The TEXAS CAVER.
This is YOUR newsletter and I couldn't do it without YOU!

So as the caving season starts in earnest, don't be bashful. Be sure to get 
those articles, photos, and trip reports written and sent in.

I know who you are and where you have been!

Without you, there is no TSA or TEXAS CAVER!

Mark Alman - TSA Chairman and TEXAS CAVER Editor


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