Cavers, please start looking through your garages, storage units,
attics, sheds, and basements (for the few of you lucky enough to have
one!) for cave and camping gear, art items, fine foods or alcoholic
beverages, or anything else cave related or that would be appreciated by
other cavers.  We are having another fund-raising auction this year at
the TSA Spring Convention, on Saturday evening after the banquet.  In
previous years your generous contributions (and generous bidding!)
helped us pay off the property with Punkin Cave and Deep Cave in Carta
Valley, Texas.  The TCMA is actively looking for additional caves to
purchase, and your contributions will help buy caves for cavers.  Please
send me a short email if you have anything to donate, and I'll start a
list.  You can bring the items directly to the TSA Spring Convention in
Cedar Park, unless you can't make it that weekend and want to make other
arrangements with me.  My lovely assistants and I, as well as the rest
of the hard-working TCMA team, hope to see a record crowd this year.  We
promise to make it entertaining if you promise to be free in both your
item donations as well as your bids.  :-)

Jim "Crash" Kennedy
2010 TCMA Auctioneer

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