Greetings, cavers!  This is Crash, your manic Auctioneer, here to drum
up support for the TCMA fundraising auction to be held Saturday 25 April
at Schreiner Park in Kerrville during the TSA Spring Convention.  For
you past Auction attendees, you will recall how entertaining the Auction
can be, and how much really good stuff gets donated to sell.  And it's
for a great cause:  raising money to help pay off the mortgage to TCMA's
Carta Valley preserve, which holds the world-class Punkin and Deep
Caves.  And we all know that cavers buying caves benefits us all!  In
the past we have auctioned off brand new ropes, historic caving
ephemera, new caving and camping gear, weekends at nice B&Bs, ultralight
airplane flights, hardcore (and softcore) cave trips, home-brewed beer,
original artwork, and so much more.  Last year I believe we raised over
$3700.  This year we are pushing to finish paying off the mortgage for
the Punkin and Deep property, so we want to make this auction even
better!  We need some volunteers to solicit, store, and transport
donations to the Convention site.  We need cavers like yourselves to
donate items to sell, or talk to your local businesses for donations of
items (or money) to help with this fundraiser.  And, of course, we need
all of you to come to the Convention, and bid on items during the
Auction.  Contact me, Joe Ranzau (Auction treasurer), or any other TCMA
board member if you have questions or would like to volunteer
(  We'll have fun, there will be some
surprises, and we'll help secure two great caves for our use.  I hope to
see you there, and remember, bid high, and bid often!

Jim "Crash" Kennedy

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