So, how come nobody's giving us the details of the most important event of
the rescue--where the rescuers dropped the victim? That needs to be
discussed and analysed at length and in public so that similar things can be
avoided in the future. Right now there's nothing but rumors about it--some
of them bad. That sort of silence scares me. Is somebody trying to cover
something up? I've learned to be a little leery of the "official report"
being the "truthful report" of whatever took place.

On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 9:41 PM, <> wrote:

>  I agree with Geary.  The rescuers have been requested by the Utah Search
> and Rescue Group to not make public statements concerning the rescue until
> an official report and accompanying statement are released to the public
> from the organizations that were responsible for the rescue.  We'll know a
> lot more about the whole affair once that process is completed.

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