Let's see now.  I pay for a Texas Caver with my dues to the TSA.   Then I 
receive my electronic copy off the TSA website.  Then I get in my  car and 
drive to the FedEx or wherever to pay for a printed version.  All  to save the 
TSA a little money and the editor some grief.  Now multiply  this scenario 
4 times a year for about half the TSA membership.  I  don't believe that's a 
better world for anyone.
I agree with Mixon that a two-tiered system has probably come of age for  
the TSA.  But it also means that dues should be proportionally reduced for  
those that choose to receive an electronic copy of the TxCvr.  Unless, of  
course, the reason for reducing the costs of the TxCvr is to create a large  
cash surplus for the TSA.
Saving the TSA money is a noble goal but providing the membership with  
tangible services is really the purpose of the whole organization.  The  
membership is quite diverse and their needs should be accommodated as much  as 
possible, not made to feel defensive because they aren't the same as some  
faction within the group.  I'm disappointed that in the present discussion,  
there are some that feel that their view has got to be the only reasonable  
way.  Why not work toward a reasonable compromise that works for all the  
membership ?
The current discussion regarding whether or not a hardcopy version of  the 
TxCvr should be published has thus far produced nothing to provide better  
services for the membership and caused mostly dissension in an organization 
that  needs more members and participation.  I'm a little surprised that the  
Chairman thought this was an interesting way to stir up the restive  
masses.  Let sleeping dogs lie.
In a message dated 12/14/2009 8:31:16 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
gi...@att.net writes:

Don't  anyone forget that you can download your digital TEXAS CAVER file 
onto your  memory stick, take it to Kinkos or Office Depot and have it color 
laser  printed HARD COPY just like the editor does and save the TSA all that 
postage  and printing cost--and save the editor a lot of mental and physical 
hassle.  It's the best of both worlds.  

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