Thanks, Bill, for your long time membership, service, and support!
Thanks, too, for mentioning the Honey Creek refurbish. I had forgotten about 
Have a safe trip to Mexico and Feliz Navidad!


From: []
Sent: Fri 12/18/2009 6:29 AM
To: Linda Palit; Gill Edigar
Cc:; Alman, Mark @ IRP
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Why join TSA?

I'll keep it short. I'm a TSA member because:

* Caving is a life-long interest of mine, so I support my statewide organization
* I am a member of the NSS, and the TSA is a region of the NSS
* I like it that funds are available through the TSA for worthwhile projects 
such as:
   - Punkin and Deep Caves
   - Monetary support of the ICS
   - A grant to refurbish the Honey Creek Cave tower to make it safe again
* I like receiving the Texas Caver. There aren't many caver newsletters other 
than it in Texas.


---- Gill Edigar <> wrote:
> Well, I have my own reasons for supporting the TSA for 40 years, but I was
> hoping to develop some positive reasons that other cavers join the TSA. I
> already know why I belonged and will again, but I have had a hard time
> getting other cavers to tell me why and what they would tell new cavers were
> good reasons to join. Many just stutter and stammer and can't think of any.
> Others have given me perfectly good reasons--which I will share as soon as I
> feel I have enough.
> And, ugh, this is a totally different topic, Linda. The other one has been
> put to bed for a while. It is a positive thread designed to help the TSA
>  accomplish its goals. I think it's really important for people to think
> about all sides of the issues rather than just blindly supporting one or
> another view. Having adequate information surely can't hurt.  And, besides,
> I'm just curious and have talked to several other people who asked the same
> questions.
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Linda Palit <> wrote:
> >  Why do I get the feeling you have decided this many times, and many years
> > ago?
> >
> >
> >
> > And does this mean we are taking this discussion off the list for awhile?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > *From:* [] *On Behalf Of
> > *Gill Edigar
> > *Sent:* Thursday, December 17, 2009 4:11 PM
> > *To:*
> > *Subject:* [Texascavers] Why join TSA?
> >
> >
> >
> > The question has come up before: "Why should I join the TSA?" The statement
> > has been made: "If it weren't for The TEXAS CAVER there would be no reason
> > for me to be a TSA member." Both questions are destined to be asked
> > again--and fairly soon, I think.
> >
> >
> >
> > Yet way before publication of The TEXAS CAVER was taken over by the TSA a
> > couple of hundred Texas cavers were quite enthusiastic about joining--with
> > no real material premiums being offered. What made them do it? What was the
> > attraction of the TSA in their lives to make them fork over hard cash for
> > absolutely nothing they could hold in their grubby, muddy hands? What is it
> > that would make you do so?
> >
> >
> >
> > Was it just the camaraderie of sharing a social link with other cavers? Was
> > it the sense of responsibility to the caver community to share and help
> > solve common problems--problems of educating you and other cavers about
> > proper landowner relations, of safety considerations, of learning or
> > improved methods of cave surveying, of learning about new caving equipment
> > or techniques, of taking and sharing photographs with other cavers, to find
> > out about new caves to explore, to create a list of cavers to go caving
> > with, to attend projects, to have an audience for telling one's caving
> > adventures around a campfire, to attend the convention to hear talks about
> > caves and caving gear and cave science or get laid, or just a desire to be a
> > joiner? What was the Texas Region and later the TSA providing to cavers that
> > lead them to join the TSA without a hard copy of anything other than a
> > membership list? In order to try to get to the heart of that matter, I want
> > to ask Texas cavers to answer that question themselves--and send me and the
> > TSA Chairman your responses.
> >
> >
> >
> > Why are you a TSA member? Or, why are you not? What, beside The TEXAS
> > CAVER, does the TSA provide for you  in the way of  goods and services and
> > warm fuzzies and how might it make caving better for you--or worse, or not
> > at all. Let's have some information--brief or in detail. We're sensitive to
> > your emotions about TSA and Texas caving as well, so please include
> > information about your feelings.
> >
> >
> >
> > The time will come, soon I hope, when the TSA will need to answer the
> > questions, "Why should I join the TSA?" and "What has my membership in the
> > TSA got to offer me as a caver?" Hopefully a long list of reasons to join
> > the TSA will be generated by this request and it can be handed to those who
> > want to know, or explained in person. What would you tell a new caver who
> > asked you those questions? Remember, The TEXAS CAVER should not be
> > considered an option in this poll.
> >
> >
> >
> > Along the same lines it would be good to know the reasons that several of
> > you haven't joined or don't want to join the TSA. If that were known perhaps
> > something could be done to address those shortcomings and make the TSA more
> > attractive. Or, what would you like to see the TSA offer or undertake that
> > it is not doing now?
> >
> >
> >
> > As a current non-member I would like for you as a member to convince me to
> > join again--sell me on the TSA and its merits and its benefits to members.
> > Or, you can tell me why I shouldn't. I want to know. Please take the time
> > over the next couple of holiday weeks (I'll be in Mexico caving) to send me
> > your reasons--for or against joining the TSA. It's information that could be
> > valuable to the future of Texas caving.
> >
> >
> >
> > And while you're at it be sure to cc: Mark
> >
> >     <>
> >
> > so he can have the information for future use by the TSA and the Texas
> > caver recruiting program which I'm sure they will be interested in
> > starting.
> >
> >
> >
> > I'll compile your answers and see if the pros outweigh the cons and hope to
> > see you at the convention and renew my membership and write up a summary for
> > The TEXAS CAVER to publish and all the cavers of Texas to see.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks in advance for your help and enthusiasm,
> >
> > --Ediger
> >

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