Most of the people commenting about the total length of Caverns of Sonora 
haven't much of a clue what they are talking about.  There are lots of little 
crevices, tiny cracks, and levels upon levels throughout the cave.  If you 
surveyed all those, it might double the total "surveyed length" of the cave as 
we know it now.  Will this happen?  Not likely.  

Through the years there have been a number of survey activities at this cave.  
At least half of them were ultimately discarded as useless.  The Jack Burch 
transit survey of the commercial route through the cave and then overland to 
connect the two entrances has been the backbone of all subsequent efforts.  It 
closes quite well if not perfectly (years ago, I ran the numbers from his field 

One of the problems is that a survey of the cave, done well, is extremely 
tedious --- something on the order of 10-20 feet per hour.  The cave is very 
fragile and each move needs to be thoughtfully done.  Look at the map on page 
408 of your 50 YEARS book.  That's a small portion in the middle of one of the 
more complex areas and it took three fairly long trips to gather that much 
survey data.  And drafting an intelligible map is another story.  This is 
sketched and drafted at a scale that I would consider the bare minimum to show 
the features of the cave.  Digital drafting opens other doors that might be 

It's not so much that the owners aren't interested in a high grade survey of 
the cave as the fact that there aren't many people with the skills and 
dedication to complete such a project.  I thought that I might make this happen 
back in the late 1960s and, with the blessing and cooperation of Jack Burch, we 
made a start.  Then, there was a change of heart among the majority owners and 
the survey was suspended and never resumed.

This cave is TOTALLY unsuited to be a "TSA Project."  That would be a disaster!

As George Veni has pointed out in another e-mail, he has received special 
permission to do a highly detailed survey along the commercial route.  That's 
wonderful and I do hope that he finds time to complete that project but that 
still leaves a lot of cave away from the tour trails and much of it is not only 
difficult to travel but is multi-level and extremely fragile.  On page 412 of 
50 YEARS, I commented thusly:

"You might think that Caverns of Sonora would be among the best, most 
professionally mapped caves in Texas. You would be

wrong. There are somewhat better maps available than the silhouette version 
presented here, but the sad truth is that no comprehensive

"class A" map exists. There is an excellent transit survey making a loop that 
goes in the historic entrance, along the

commercial trail, out the man-made exit tunnel, and back to the entrance, but 
there is no "caver" map in the usual sense of that

word. Will it happen someday? Perhaps, but it will not be soon. It will require 
a massive effort to compile the necessary data and

a cartography genius to interpret that data so that it makes sense in two 
dimensions. That would be daunting enough in a cave

that offered free access, but such is certainly not the case here. Access to 
the cave has been extremely limited for the past 40

years. Moreover, survey progress will necessarily be quite slow not just 
because of the great amount of detail required but

because of the care required to move about without doing damage to the cave. 
Through the years, many enthusiasts have begun

surveys only to be thwarted for one reason or another. Take a tour through the 
cave sometime and pay special attention to the

many interconnected levels and overall complex nature of the cave. I think you 
will be intimidated."

Meanwhile back to the 4th survey of our favorite:  Powell's Cave.  Will your 
grandchildren see a completed map?

===Carl Kunath


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Linda Palit 
  To: 'Mark Minton' ; 
  Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 11:27 AM
  Subject: RE: [Texascavers] Re: Sonora Butterfly

  As I understand it the owners have never allowed and are not interested in a
  full survey -- worry about damage.


           As for there being 7 miles in Sonora, I doubt it, but if 
  true why hasn't anyone started a serious resurvey project?  Could 
  make a great TSA activity.


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