Hola Cristina,

The Honey Creek Cave tank haul was aborted yesterday. Twenty-five people went 
down the shaft entrance and started 
going upstream. The water was the highest I've ever seen it and the current was 
strong. An hour into the cave 
it was sumped, and besides, people were already feeling a little tired from 
fighting the strong current. We
aborted the trip then. Kurt Menking and I thought that the water was ever 
higher on the way out than on the way
in, so it might have been rising while we were in the cave, and of course 
that's dangerous.

You have been in the cave and to the HS Sump, so the answsers to your questions 
are simple. The cave is exactly 
the same whether it's hot or cold outside, with the one exception that when 
it's hot outside the air can be 
of a lesser quality in the cave.

Here's what you do when you come out of the cave and it's cold outside: You go 
straight you vehicle, you take off
your wetsuit, you dry yourself thorougly with a towel, and you get dressed in 
dry, warm clothes. And you do that 
as fast as you can.

What affects people more caving in the winter is that they don't have a warm 
enough sleeping bag. What works well
is to either have a fleece sleeping bag that you put inside of your regular one 
and get inside of the both (we got
our fleece sleeping bags at Walmart for $10 each about 5 years ago, and use 
them as our sleeping bags in the Texas
summer) or you have two sleeping bags and put one inside the other. You should 
also wear long underwear at night 
to help you stay warm.

I will address your gear issues when I comment on what Dave Locklear had to say 
about your questions.

NOTE: The three weekends in a row plan at Honey Creek Cave has been rescheduled 

Weekend 1 - Feb. 13 - dive gear is taken into the cave and left

Weekend 2 - Feb. 20 - the dive is done and people can take tourists trips in 
the cave

Weekend 3 - Feb. 27 - dive is it brought out of the cave.



---- Cristina Estrada <ara...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hi to all,  I'll go to Honey creek cave next weeks. This is my first wet
> cave in cold weather conditions. I checked, and the weather conditions
> suggest 60's/40's. I assumme the temperature inside the cave is more or less
> stable during the year, but still it's gonna be cold.  What suggestions do
> you have to keep warm inside the cave? Should I wear a 6 mil wetsuit? How to
> keep hands, feet warm?  How to avoid getting a cold? Should you have a
> specific blanket outside the cave so when you get out you wrapped yourself
> immediatly?
> Also they predict some rain. Is it safe to cave when is raining?
> Thanks for your advice,
> Cristina Estrada

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