just a reminder that this is your last chance to comment, make suggestions, 
additions, subtractions, retractions, or anything else you feel needs to be 
discussed on the Agenda at the TSA Fall Business Meeting to be held Sunday, 
October 18th, immediately after the TCMA meeting at 9 AM sharp.
It will be in front or near the main building at Paradise Canyon, around 
All are welcome!
The only change/addition I have is to announce that after many years of service 
and dedication, Don Broussard, 
has decided to step down as the TSA Safety and Techniques Chair.
Don has done an excellent job in this capacity and has made sure that all 
cavers in Texas are informed as to what to do in an emergency, which 
authorities to call in which county, acquired and supplied many excellent 
articles from state and nationwide safety experts over a wide array of areas 
involving safe caving for The TEXAS CAVER, 
and promoted safe and responsible caving in the state.
Not to mention, Don is just a great guy and did an excellent job at ICS 
corralling vans and shuttle drivers all week.
Don will be hard to replace, but, if you're interested in this duty, contact me 
or Don offline to discuss further.
Thanks, Don!
Here's the agenda:
*       Welcome and Introductions 
*       Chairman's Report 
*       Vice Chairman's Report 
*       Secretary's Report 
        *       Minutes of TSA Spring Business Meeting 
*       Treasurers Report 
*       Standing Committee Reports 
        *       TSA Projects - Jim Kennedy 
                *       Current Projects 
                *       Future Project Ideas 
        *       TSA Website - Butch Fralia 
        *       Membership Chair - Denise Prendergast 
        *       Conservation Committee - Lyndon Tiu 
        *       Safety and Techniques - Open 
        *       Publications - Mark Alman 
                *       The TEXAS CAVER 
        *       TSA Store - Lee Jay Graves
*       Old Business 
        *       TSA Convention Cost For Kids 
        *       TSA Store Tent Pole Bags - Status?
*       New Business 
        *       Officer Elections 
        *       Safety and Techniques - Open. 
        *       Location for TSA Convention in April 
        *       WNS Update - Jim Kennedy 
        *       15th International Congress of Speleology, Final Thoughts. 
        *       TSA Winter Meeting at Colorado Bend State Park - Sunday, 
January 10th 
        *       Anything else? 
*       Announcements 
*       End of Meeting (Let's go home!)
Thanks and we'll see y'all at TCR!
Mark, Rob, Darla, and Denise (The TSA Board)
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