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The William J. Stephenson Outstanding Service Award and the Honorary Membership are the National Speleological Society's most prestigious awards. Each year's single recipient of these awards is selected by the NSS Board of Governors, rather than just confirmed, as in the case of other awards, and these awards convey life membership in the NSS. (They are defined, in fact, as distinct classes of membership by bylaws I.B.3 and I.B.4, although the NSS membership list shows past recipients as regular life members.)

The Outstanding Service Award is for outstanding service to speleology and the NSS, and candidates must have been NSS members for at least the two years prior to being considered. The 2009 recipient was Carol Tiderman. The list of all past recipients can be found at http://caves.org/committee/award/oswinners.htm .

The Honorary Membership is for outstanding contributions to speleology, and there is no NSS membership requirement for candidates. Many past recipients have been distinguished foreign speleologists. The 2009 recipient was Andy Eavis. The list of all past recipients can be found at http://caves.org/committee/award/honorwinners.htm .

The NSS Awards Committee is responsible for soliciting nominations for these awards and passing them on to the Board of Governors. The deadline for nominations for 2010 in November 15, 2009. Nominations for the OS and HM awards should be sent to

Bill Mixon
14045 North Green Hills Loop
Austin, Texas 78737
If a man brags of his honor, make him pay cash.
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