This is response to yesterday's post.

I think Facebook is a great tool for finding a person on the internet
that you have lost touch with.

My great-grandparents had 85 great-grandchildren scattered across the
country and we haven't spoken with each other in 10 years, and in some cases
20 or 30 years.    Last week, I formed a group on Facebook:   "Descendants
my great-greatparents," and today there are 28 of them on the group. And we
have been talking just as if we had flown across country to family reunion.
I have learned that long lost cousins passed away, and others have wonderful
families or are nearly homeless or are in jail.

Also, most of the cavers on Cavetex are on Facebook and much more
is going on their than here on Cavetex.    Just last week, a caver left a
cave he
had surveyed and immediately reported it to Facebook.   I don't think it has
appeared on CaveTex yet.   A call out for rescue, would certainly be
and maybe better than CaveTex.   I will let someone else dissect that

Also, Facebook is a great way to look up old flames.

But it has opened up a can of worms.    People are obsessed with it.    I
spent quite
a bit of time on it is this week, when I could have been playing tennis or
golf, or at
least getting outside and enjoying the weather.    Also, marriages are being
We have one computer in the house, and my wife has just discovered Facebook
( in Spanish ) and is now trying to write daily to her cousins back in
Mexico, and her
hundreds of friends she has met in life.     So, now I need to get a new

Another problem, is that in many American families there is always a problem
either a black-sheep of the family, or disowned members, or divorce issues,
etc.   I have
had to block close family members, or at least hide them from my news feeds.

And it does affect you when a friend de-friends you.

Another problem is that the newbies to Facebook, don't understand how to
selectively send
out their intimate thoughts.     If you post something controversial or sad,
the whole friends list will see it, which is not the way to do it.    You
need to micromanage your friends in special list.    For Example:    Cavers,
Old Friends, New Friends, Sensitive People, Close Family, Close cousins,
Distant cousins, Best Friends, Old Flames, etc.     Then when you post
something on your wall, click on the list that you don't want to read it.

Personally, I am annoyed by all the games.   But apparently some users are
fond of that feature.    I will let Butch, or someone else, explain the
fascination with that.

Facebook seems to be a different tool than MySpace, or the other social
sites.   It may be a fad, but it is going to be around for at least a few
more years until something better comes along.    It needs better search
tools, and more ways for users to weed out things.   There is
Facebook Lite though.    Maybe they need a Facebook Pro ?

David Locklear
caver in Fort Bend County
( 175 miles from the Center of the Universe )

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