On Monday, August 24, 2009, at 11:20AM, "ellie :)" <> 

>I went back into the cave and met up with the dive team as they were
>coming out. About the sump dive Bill Steele wrote "James Brown didn't
>like the sump and didn't go more than a few feet into it. There was
>zero visibility and right away there was a block of rock on the floor
>he was going to have to take his tanks off and extend them at
>arms-length so he could squeeze between it and the ceiling. If he
>tries it again, he'll take two 15 cu. ft. pony tanks, which will give
>him a penetration time of 10 minutes."

Underwater is steep descending mud slope leading to rock lip restriction; 12" 
high by 3 feet wide.  I rotated backwards, entering fins first, descending into 
the mud slope.  I had to wiggle my dive gear to pass the restriction.  I went 
as far as my head clearing the restriction, while pushing into the mud slope, 
but was not comfortable continuing the dive in 100% ZERO visibility.  I can 
feel extra space under the rock ceiling with my fins, but which way do you go 
when you can't see?

Upon returning to the surface my backup regulator was mud filled, unknown to me 
during the dive.  When I can see it, my HID dive light was just a brown haze 


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