I can give it a try

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 7:46 AM, <mark.al...@l-3com.com> wrote:
> Was anyone interested in writing a more lengthy trip report (I'll take all
> comers) and sending pix my way for the next TEXAS CAVER?
> Sounds like a good and "interesting" trip, by all reports!
> Thanks!
> Mark
> ________________________________
> From: ellie.tho...@gmail.com [mailto:ellie.tho...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Mon 8/24/2009 11:20 AM
> To: patriot0...@hotmail.com; blon...@dot.state.tx.us; Alman, Mark @ IRP;
> speleoste...@tx.rr.com; George-Paul Richmann; Lyndon Tiu; germa...@aol.com;
> julesje...@yahoo.com; Edwin Lehr; Will Harris; Udi Fuchs; Diana Tomchick;
> Katy; zachrbrouss...@neo.tamu.edu; David Wendeborn; lacey heath; Renee
> Skwara; Joe Datri; Ninja James Brown; Roger Moore; ggelet...@hot.rr.com;
> l_colucc...@yahoo.com; wong...@yahoo.com; m...@mpphoto.ws; Nathan Dennis;
> Zach S 10; ara...@gmail.com; Ron Rutheford; jwryl...@sbcglobal.net; Heather
> Tucek; Sheena McCrary; an...@kinsy.com; amanda.bent...@neo.tamu.edu;
> cberg1...@neo.tamu.edu; carr2...@neo.tamu.edu; megan.fi...@gmail.com;
> tj_tidw...@neo.tamu.edu; wendeb...@neo.tamu.edu; barnardd...@yahoo.com;
> pepabe...@hotmail.com; mossy...@comcast.net; monste...@hotmail.com;
> stefan.crea...@arm.com; tr...@sprynet.com; Alan Downey; Travis Scott;
> peterspro...@yahoo.com; pe...@oztotl.com; Paul Unger;
> back2scool...@hotmail.com; Charles Goldsmith; Amalia Montoya
> Subject: August 22nd Longhorn Results
> This Saturday, August 22nd, 2009, 25 cavers went into Longhorn Caverns
> to check out the sump and other leads and we all made it out alive
> with stories to tell. At a recent grotto meeting, Bill Steele
> coordinated with James Brown, legendary cave-diver, to take a team of
> cavers back to sump 2 and the trip was on! Many other beginner, new
> cavers, and longtime cavers from area grottos (DFW, Bexar, UT, and
> GHG) jumped on the opportunity to check out Longhorn Caverns and we
> had a solid team of 23 people.
> Most people arrived on Friday night and we sat around planning the
> next day. When we woke up Saturday morning, GP was cooking up a yummy
> breakfast of egg, bacon, and cheese burritos…enough for everyone!!!
> After breakfast we circled up to break the team into “Dive Team” and
> “Team 2/novice trip”.
> The “Dive Team” of 7 included f James Brown, Bill Steele, Diana
> Tomchick, Charles Goldsmith, Will Harris, Joe Datri, Lacey Heath, and
> George Paul Richman. At 9am they set out with their gear towards the
> Crownover entrance of Longhorn Caverns. Because of confusion with
> parking, they ended up trekking their gear much farther than expected
> to the Crownover entrance, which is the furthest entrance from the
> tourist entrance.
> “Team 2”, consisting of 16 people: Edwin Lehr, Nathan Dennis, Steve
> Webb, Cristina Estrada, Alex, David, Udi Fuchs, Katy Roodenko, Renee
> Skwara, Zach Schudrowitz, Gmo, Bonnie Longley, Jeff Wryland, Sheena
> McCrary, Andee Kinsy, and Ellie Watson followed the 10am tour into the
> cave. Edwin gave a speed-tour of the show part of the cave and then we
> set up for the traditional “before shot” at the beginning of the
> non-tourist part of the cave. Everyone slid through the water smoothly
> and rolled over the rocks and the mud. The team split at the Wigglies
> and Edwin led the larger group throught the Wigglies while I led the
> rest out on the straight path. All 16 of team 2 met up at the end of
> the Wigglies and Edwin too willing participants through the low-air to
> the 2nd sump while I led the rest of the group out of the cave. When
> we got to the Crownover entrance, Roger Moore greeted us and walked
> everyone towards the road back to camp and got GP’s Jeep and parked it
> closer to the entrance.
> I went back into the cave and met up with the dive team as they were
> coming out. About the sump dive Bill Steele wrote "James Brown didn't
> like the sump and didn't go more than a few feet into it. There was
> zero visibility and right away there was a block of rock on the floor
> he was going to have to take his tanks off and extend them at
> arms-length so he could squeeze between it and the ceiling. If he
> tries it again, he'll take two 15 cu. ft. pony tanks, which will give
> him a penetration time of 10 minutes."
> The rain greeted us when we made it back to camp and everyone was
> hosing off the layers of thick mud under a nice shower of rain. Thank
> goodness the rain did not hit while we were in the cave. Roger Moore,
> on surface support said “The novice trip seemed quite successful, with
> lots of smiles on muddy faces after they emerged.  Joe Datri loaned
> one of the women on the trip a pair of pants, but failed to mention to
> her that they were blown out in the rear in a couple of places, which
> made for an interesting picture.  You know all what I know about the
> sump trip (that the sump was too muddy and that the tanks were too
> large for the constriction (the latter of which I hadn't heard about).
> After hosing down in the rain and a change of clothes, many of us went
> to the Blue Bonnet for a great meal and pie. The only downside to the
> surface and beer support was that there wasn't enough time to consume
> much beer.”
> So, all in all, GREAT trip! Thanks for all who came and thanks to all
> the Longhorn Lowdown people who have done so much work in the past to
> make it possible for us to enjoy this beautiful cave.

George-Paul Richmann
(513) 490-3100

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