How many of you have ever been in a cave and done a "duck under" ?
Like maybe in Honey Creek, where you
hold your breath for just a second and go thru a very short sump and
pop out on the other side.

Or how about free diving a very short sump where you have to swim a
few feet like in Carrizal or Acahuizotla?

Well here is a very crazy guy in Austalia that went 395 feet on a
single breath of air thru an underwater
cave passage:

Here is a summary:

Mike Wells swam through Fish Rock Cave  in only two minutes and 40 seconds.

He narrowly averted disaster when his MONOFIN became trapped in a
narrow crevice. His son, a member of the support team, freed him.

“It was very hard,” Mr Wells said.

Mr Wells, who describes freediving as a “grand madness”, followed a
rope to dive down to the tunnel entrance and swam through the cave to
the pool of light that marked its exit.

The cave, on the New South Wales coast, has an ocean surge that sweeps
through the narrow chambers.

Most experts thought the cave was too long and dangerous for anyone to
get through without oxygen tanks.

Mr Wells’s respiratory specialist, Professor Matthew Peters, described
the pressure that would be placed on his body:
“During this dive, his lungs will compress dramatically, his diaphragm
will move up, his ribs will cave in,” he said.

David Locklear

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