
Cheers for producing an interesting compilation! ?My first thought at looking 
it over is that to convert the figures into 'caves per square kilometer' or 
some measure like that which takes the size of the country into consideration 
would be likewise interesting. ?Look at Cuba, for example, with 1/15th the 
length of surveyed passages currently recorded in the US squeezed into (or out 
of) that tiny island nation. ?Your data could be used in this manner, for 
example, to index roughly the relative investment of serious caving effort from 
country to country. ?

The first distribution also looks like it might plot as close to a straight 
line on a log-log plot. ?I heard many years ago (in the days of punch cards) 
that such a plot could be obtained, for example, if you similarly plot the size 
of cities in a country or large state. ?That sort of distribution is called the 
"Rank/Size Rule." ?It is supposed to be the result of stochastic processes, but 
back in the early 1980s when I wrote a hopelessly naive article on the cave 
length distribution for the cave and computing newsleter (Statistical
Analysis of Cave Rank/Size Relationships.?
National Speleological Society, Computer?Applications
Section, Newsletter, No. 15), I couldn't find a definition for that word. ?I 
suppose I could now, but I'll settle for "chance," as I was told by a real 
scientist I asked back then. ?

Roger Moore

-----Original Message-----
From: Fofo <>
To: texascavers <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 18, 2009 5:34 pm
Subject: [Texascavers] Countries with the most surveyed underground passages?


A few days ago there was a question in the Spanish language list 
Tlamaqui about which country had the most surveyed passages in the 
world, so as a quick estimate I took the list of caves with more than 
15,000 m and grouped it by country. Bill Mixon found the information 
interesting and suggested posting it here too. Here it is.?

By surveyed length (in meters, only for caves with more than 15,000 m):?

3,512,792 U.S.A.?

1,108,194 Spain?

950,217 Mexico?

756,530 Austria?

492,463 Switzerland?

459,558 China?

416,831 Ukraine?

360,890 United Kingdom?

323,901 Malaysia?

310,133 Italy?

239,000 Cuba?

185,890 Brazil?

183,103 Australia?

173,821 Romania?

135,065 Russia?

126,800 Papua New Guinea?

90,200  Moldova/Ukraine?

76,401  New Zealand?

74,134  Slovakia?

70,668  India?

57,000  Turkmenistan?

56,000  Belize?

36,010  Puerto Rico?

34,600  Venezuela?

32,500  Czech Rep.?

24,080  Georgia?

23,916  Hungary/Slovakia?

23,700  Japan?

23,620  Poland?

23,266  France?

21,814  Norway?

21,000  Philippines?

20,718  Canada?

20,570  Slovenia?

18,400  Algeria?

18,400  Morocco?

18,200  Indonesia?

18,100  Madagascar?

18,000  Bulgaria?

16,396  Croatia?

16,000  Belgium?

15,100  Ethiopia?

15,000  Ireland?

And by number of caves with more than 15,000 m:?

76  U.S.A.?

43  France?

28  Spain?

20  Mexico?

18  Austria?

13  China?

11  Italy?

10  United Kingdom?

7   Cuba?

7   Romania?

6   Switzerland?

6   Malaysia?

5   Ukraine?

5   Brazil?

4   Australia?

4   Papua New Guinea?

3   Slovakia?

3   India?

3   Russia?

2   Belize?

2   Puerto Rico?

2   New Zealand?

2   Venezuela?

1   Belgium?

1   Indonesia?

1   Slovenia?

1   Morocco?

1   Algeria?

1   Ethiopia?

1   Ireland?

1   Madagascar?

1   Bulgaria?

1   Croatia?

1   Moldova/Ukraine?

1   Georgia?

1   Hungary/Slovakia?

1   Turkmenistan?

1   Czech Rep.?

1   Japan?

1   Philippines?

1   Canada?

1   Poland?

1   Norway?

Have a great weekend! I'm off to the mountains.?

?    - Fofo?


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