
Very interesting, but there's got to be something wrong with your entry for France. If France has 43 caves longer than 15 km, then it must have way more surveyed passage than the 23,266 m you gave. Just two such caves would give at least 30,000 m, and 43 would give a minimum of 645,000 m. Checking Bob Gulden's long cave list <> shows that the longest cave in France is 105767 m by itself (Reseau Felix Trombe / Henne-Morte). I didn't take the time to add them all up, but perhaps you dropped a digit or two.

        I think this would make a good article for the NSS News!

Mark Minton


A few days ago there was a question in the Spanish language list Tlamaqui about which country had the most surveyed passages in the world, so as a quick estimate I took the list of caves with more than 15,000 m and grouped it by country. Bill Mixon found the information interesting and suggested posting it here too. Here it is.

By surveyed length (in meters, only for caves with more than 15,000 m):

3,512,792 U.S.A.
1,108,194 Spain
950,217 Mexico
756,530 Austria
492,463 Switzerland
459,558 China
416,831 Ukraine
360,890 United Kingdom
323,901 Malaysia
310,133 Italy
239,000 Cuba
185,890 Brazil
183,103 Australia
173,821 Romania
135,065 Russia
126,800 Papua New Guinea
90,200  Moldova/Ukraine
76,401  New Zealand
74,134  Slovakia
70,668  India
57,000  Turkmenistan
56,000  Belize
36,010  Puerto Rico
34,600  Venezuela
32,500  Czech Rep.
24,080  Georgia
23,916  Hungary/Slovakia
23,700  Japan
23,620  Poland
23,266  France
21,814  Norway
21,000  Philippines
20,718  Canada
20,570  Slovenia
18,400  Algeria
18,400  Morocco
18,200  Indonesia
18,100  Madagascar
18,000  Bulgaria
16,396  Croatia
16,000  Belgium
15,100  Ethiopia
15,000  Ireland

And by number of caves with more than 15,000 m:

76      U.S.A.
43      France
28      Spain
20      Mexico
18      Austria
13      China
11      Italy
10      United Kingdom
7       Cuba
7       Romania
6       Switzerland
6       Malaysia
5       Ukraine
5       Brazil
4       Australia
4       Papua New Guinea
3       Slovakia
3       India
3       Russia
2       Belize
2       Puerto Rico
2       New Zealand
2       Venezuela
1       Belgium
1       Indonesia
1       Slovenia
1       Morocco
1       Algeria
1       Ethiopia
1       Ireland
1       Madagascar
1       Bulgaria
1       Croatia
1       Moldova/Ukraine
1       Georgia
1       Hungary/Slovakia
1       Turkmenistan
1       Czech Rep.
1       Japan
1       Philippines
1       Canada
1       Poland
1       Norway

Have a great weekend! I'm off to the mountains.

     - Fofo
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