Austin as the Center of the Caving Universe department:

The National Speleological Society's highest awards to individuals are the Honorary Membership and the Outstanding Service Award, each of which is given to one person per year. The NSS Board of Governors selects the recipient of these awards, and the award conveys life membership in the society.

Next in status are four awards given to one person or couple per year. They are selected by the NSS Awards Committee and confirmed by the BOG. These awards are the Bicking Award for cave exploration (considered by many cavers to be the highest award), the Conservation Award, the Science Award, and the Spelean Arts and Letters Award.

Of these awards, cavers currently living in the Austin area have received:

1 Honorary Membership
1 Outstanding Service Award
2 Bicking Awards
2 Conservation Awards
1 Science Award
1 Arts and Letters Award

Can any other city claim eight or more of these awards?
--Bill Mixon
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