I believe Palin's 15 minutes are up.> Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 13:13:47 -0600> 
From: dlocklea...@gmail.com> To: o...@texascavers.com> Subject: [ot_caving] 
politics - the Palin vs. Kennedy story> > Media critics are comparing the Palin 
media blitz> with the way the media has treated Caroline Kennedy.> > Their 
situations are different.> > Palin was a young unknown candidate running for 
an> office were she was just breaths away from having the> power to launch 
nuclear missles at other countries.> > Kennedy is known by any educated 
American and her> life story has been almost engraved in our brains. She> is 
running for only a senate post, a position that many> people in her family have 
held before.> > Palin's conservative platform and views are only supported> by 
40 percent of the country. While Kennedy's liberal> views are probably more 
popular, especially in her district.> > However, I think anyone can argue that 
Kennedy hasn't> held a job that would qualify her to move up the ladder> to 
become a senator. Can't she try to be a city councilwoman> or mayor first?> > 
But others argue we need less politicians in our government,> and that is a 
good argument.> > Palin needs to focus her attention on Alaska, and forget 
about> riding her celebrity wave for the time being.> > David Locklear> > 
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