At 08:05 AM 1/17/2009, Mike Flannigan wrote:
We did all paper mailed newsletters
until about 1 year ago.  Used to send out all paper
newsletters.  Now we send out 18 paper copies
and about 60 e-mailed PDF's.  PDF's are in color,
mailed copies are B&W.  Only club members can
get the newsletter.

Here's a good question that nobody's brought up yet. If I can download a PDF, print it out in color, two sided, properly collated, at home (or at work), why in the world would I prefer that The TC editor print out a color master copy, go down to the Office Depot, print out a lesser quality B&W photo copy, then go home and mail to me, all at an added expense and hassle? Why? Just because I insisted on having a hard copy that somebody else had to hassle over? It doesn't make sense. I can have a better quality copy at home over the internet than the TSA can ever deliver me in a USPS delivered hard copy--at no expese to the TSA.

I would recommend only club members get the
newsletter, but have a 2 tier pay system.  Your
mailings will go down drastically (I think), and
your publisher (Mark) will be very happy.

Yes, they will. But the TSA should be about Texas caves, caving, and cavers, not just an elite group of caver-politicians who exclude those Texas cavers who don't share their enthusiasm for organization--such as it is. An organization dedicated to safety and conservation and good caving would logically want to spread its message to the maximum number of cavers--not just those few who choose to join the organization. They would be working at cross purposes otherwise--not seeking to educate those independent cavers who's habits they are most in need of affecting. And they would not be taking advantage of an excellent opportunity to attract new members to the organization.


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