I have been in TSA a few years and know most of you. I know no one means to say my opinions do not mean anything because I had a prior commitment to a PBSS project and chose missing Winter meeting over disappointing a landowner. (This is why Winter meeting had no PBSS attendees).

But when you say members who can't/don't show up at meetings have no say in TSA affairs you are flat-out wrong. We are members; we have a say. I am pleased to know there will be a posted agenda for the next meeting, because members can then contact the secretary to get items added to the agenda. People who cannot attend will feel represented and people who are interested in any or all agenda irems will be certain to be there.

A decision was made re: electronic Caver. Let us either sign up for the Caver online or keep with the hard copy. We have degenerated into second-guessing and opining and it's time to go with the decision. We can't reevaluate anything if no one gives the new plan a chance. Let's all give it our best shot and put reevaluation on the agenda of the Spring meeting.

Anybody read any good books lately? (Oh, Mixon, thanks for the review; the world needs more grammar police).

Jacqui Thomas

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